Many of the received models of modern architecture and planning owe their ultimate origin to the building code and public health reform movements of the second half of the 19th century.
When I work, I like to just kind of stay quiet, stay to myself. I like to walk around a lot and figure out what's gonna happen in the scene and try to get my head straight.
It is self-evident that the tabula rasa of modernization favors the optimum use of earth-moving equipment in as much as a totally flat datum is regarded as the most economic matrix upon which to predicate the rationalization of construction.
Modern building has become so universally conditioned by optimized technology that the possibility of creating significant urban form has become extremely limited.
From the Berlin tenement reform law of 1897 to H. P. Berlage's plan for Amsterdam South of 1917, designers and theorists in Germany and Holland moved toward the development of a perimeter residential block that would preserve the plastic continuity of the street while opening up the resultant courtyard for use as an enclosed semi-public space.
You could draw certain parallels between the structure of the Pompidou and the structure of the rocket-launching facilities at Cape Canaveral. They might not have been thinking about it, but I think there is some kind of unconscious affinity there.