Competition in our health system is a powerful force of cost-containment.
There's no way we can invent enough stuff for a company of Merck's size.
We need to work together to fairly assess and improve the long-term economic and health value - and affordability - of all components of the healthcare system, including hospitalizations, drugs, devices, and other interventions, to optimize our health investment decisions.
We value R&D as a company. It's who we are.
I'm the last senior executive who was hired by Roy Vagelos. It's an honor, but it also imposes upon me an obligation not only to think about his legacy but also about this company's legacy.
In my house, education was the paramount value. And if you grew up in a neighborhood like mine, you were forced to decide early on what you stood for in life, because there were a lot of peer pressures that could take you the wrong way.
I think if you look at Merck's history, I think Merck has a reputation for having been a reasonable company when it comes to pricing, sort of a leader in that respect.
The business of biomedical research is mostly about failure. Few projects we commission will ultimately result in success. But every study we do contributes to the body of knowledge that brings science and society closer to a solution.
In a successful health system, the proportion of per-capita health dollars used for home care, outpatient primary care, and preventive services should actually increase, not decrease, relative to those for acute hospital care.
I've always admired lawyers who use their power to effect social change, and Thurgood Marshall was always a childhood hero of mine.
America's leaders must honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry, and group supremacy, which run counter to the American ideal that all people are created equal.
Biopharmaceutical research and development efforts have achieved dramatic improvements in global health and longevity, and we are committed to continuing our quest.
I think every company has its own unique approach to creating shareholder value.
Affordability is critical so that patients have access to medicines. At the same time, it's also important that we have the kind of incentives that allow us to do the kinds of studies that we need to do to go after these diseases like Alzheimer's.
While a fundamental responsibility of business leaders is to create value for shareholders, I think businesses also exist to deliver value to society.
I think that size is not the key to innovation. Scale doesn't confirm an innovation advantage.
If I had not been coached well about how to deal with a culture and a set of values that were foreign to my own, I would not have been able to be successful.
I'm a big believer in institutions.
We're an American company; we're proud of being an American company.
I think words have consequences, and I think actions have consequences.
Your job as a trial attorney is to try to convey to the jury the essence of the people you represent.
I support tax revenue increases, including the top 2 percent, but only if accompanied by responsible spending limits. The key is balance.
One of the strongest forms of rhetoric in our society is the rhetoric of blame.
I am a person who does not subscribe to the hero-CEO school of thought.