I tend to fight for something that I believe in.
As a teenager, my favourite rejection was, 'She looks too healthy,' which of course translates as, 'She needs to lose weight.'
I like the way my own feet smell. I love to smell my sneakers when I take them off.
Well, it's difficult to fall in love with a character when you just read the pilot. You don't really know who the character is.
I think I'm better at playing difficult than I am at being normal. And to me that's something I'm working on now. I'm not really that difficult or complex a person, so it's interesting to me that it's just so much harder for me to play an everygirl.
I'm very insecure.
I don't think I'm an outsider at all.
You always fear when you're making a movie that has a moral to the story that people are going to reject the idea of being taught a lesson.
I think the thing that I always try to do - because it piques my interest - is to play really different parts all the time.
I've been to therapists my whole life.
Every night I fell asleep to a different Beatles album. So I'm very familiar with the Beatles; Ringo was my favorite Beatle until I grew up and then changed. I made the switch over to George Harrison just in time to regain my cool.
My sister and I shared a bedroom our entire lives and I believe she discovered the Beatles when she was about 11 and I'm four years younger. So from the age of 7 until 17 we had nothing but Beatles paraphernalia in our room, even those little stuffed Beatles that went on stands that are dressed as the Sgt. Pepper band.
Well, I think most people understand that there's a big difference between who you are and who, you know, you play.
What you feel is important may not be what the director feels is important.
I always think that I've embarrassed myself.
I'm getting older now, so I should think about a family, but certainly not tomorrow.
My roommate and my boyfriend, they both know I am compulsive and controlling.
I mean, I sing. But I don't think I'm a good enough singer to do any kind of musical.
My mom knows when something is real and something is not.
I once ate McDonald's three times in one day.
I knew I would never be cast as the pretty girl.
I stand up for other people, I'm very protective of people around me. If I feel like somebody is getting a bad rap or being unfairly picked on, I will stand up for them, absolutely.
I think I am naturally attracted to things that are a little bit out of this world.
I think people are learning to actually aspire to be objectified.