For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.
When I am dead, my dearest,Sing no sad songs for me;Plant thou no roses at my head,Nor shady cypress tree:Be the green grass above meWith showers and dewdrops wet;And if thou wilt, remember,And if thou wilt, forget.
Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I but when the trees bow down their heads, the wind is passing by.
The birthday of my lifeIs come, my love is come to me.
One day in the countryIs worth a month in town.
My heart is like a singing bird.
I dream of you to wake; would that I might Dream of you and not wake but slumber on.
All earth’s full rivers can not fillThe sea that drinking thirsteth still.
Sleeping at last, the trouble and tumult over,Sleeping at last, the struggle and horror past,Cold and white, out of sight of friend and of lover,Sleeping at last.
In the bleak mid-winterFrosty wind made moan,Earth stood hard as iron,Water like a stone;Snow had fallen, snow on snow,Snow on snow,In the bleak mid-winterLong ago.
Does the road wind up-hill all the way?Yes, to the very end.Will the day's journey take the whole long day?From morn to night, my friend.
Oh roses for the flush of youth,And laurel for the perfect prime;But pluck an ivy branch for meGrown old before my time.
Better by far you should forget and smile that you should remember and be sad.
I might show facts as plain as day: but, since your eyes are blind, you'd say, 'Where? What?' and turn away.
She gave up beauty in her tender youth, gave all her hope and joy and pleasant ways; she covered up her eyes lest they should gaze on vanity, and chose the bitter truth.
Silence is more musical than any song.
And all the winds go sighing, for sweet things dying.
Love shall be our token; love be yours and love be mine.
Remember me when I am gone away,Gone far away into the silent land.
Obedience is the fruit of faith.