My men, like satyrs grazing on the lawns,Shall with their goat feet dance the antic hay.
Confess and be hanged.
And let these tears, distilling from mine eyes,Be proof of my grief and innocency.
All places are alike, and every earth is fit for burial.
All women are ambitious naturally.
He that loves pleasure, must for pleasure fall.
Let Earth and Heaven his timeless death deplore,For both their worths shall equal him no more.
My swelling heart for very anger breaks.
When all the world dissolves,And every creature shall be purified,All places shall be hell that are not heaven.
Live and die in Aristotle's works.
And thus methinks should men of judgment frameTheir means of traffic from the vulgar trade,And, as their wealth increaseth, so incloseInfinite riches in a little room.
That perfect bliss and sole felicity, the sweet fruition of an earthly crown.
I'm armed with more than complete steel, - The justice of my quarrel.
Accursed be he that first invented war.
I count religion but a childish toy, and hold there is no sin but ignorance.
Now will I show myself to have more of the serpent than the dove; that is, more knave than fool.
Love always makes those eloquent that have it.
It lies not in our power to love or hate,For will in us is overruled by fate.
O, thou art fairer than the evening air clad in the beauty of a thousand stars.
Thou hast committed-Fornication: but that was in another country;And besides, the wench is dead.
ReligionHides many mischiefs from suspicion.
You sons of care, companions of my course!
Time passeth swift away;Our life is frail, and we may die to-day.
So, march away; and let due praise be givenNeither to fate nor fortune, but to Heaven.