I've never seen class warfare as nasty as it is today, as a result of tax debate.
Try to imagine an America without rich people. Rich people contribute a lot to this country.
I don't believe all rich people are selfless philanthropists.
I didn't say one negative word about poor people or about middle-class people or anything else. All I said was that the rich deserve our gratitude.
I worked with these liberal elites for 28 years at CBS News, and they were always throwing around the term 'white trash,' by which they meant poor southerners who didn't go to Harvard. I'm not sure why that makes them trash.
I respect the Kennedy family. I respect their service. They do a tremendous amount of good. You don't blame the children for the sins of the father and all of that.
Liberals, many of them, not all of them, but many of them are obsessed with race. They see everything through a filter of race.
As a matter of fact, you know, Jesus probably would be, except for one or two issues, a liberal Democrat if he were around today.
I have met guys who work the overnight shift at 7-11, selling Slurpees and Camels to insomniacs who have more introspection than a lot of people in the mainstream media.
They're responsible for the problem of cultural meanness.
I have a big problem when the sanctimonious, holier than thou congressmen and women go on national television for six hours and beat somebody up with a stick, and not because I'm 'Ms. Manners.' That's not what bothers me. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
A lot of so-called rich, according to this legislation, make $250,000. That's a lot of money, but it is not rich.
Don't pretend to be a journalist if you're not a journalist.
We in the press like to say we're honest brokers of information, and it's just not true. The press does have an agenda.