We do not build speedways, but roads which correspond to the character of the German landscape.
In these highways our engineering will reflect the National Socialist movement.
These roads do not serve transportation alone, they also bind our Fatherland.
The external appearance of any construction projects that are created during the time of the National Socialist Reich must take on the sensibility of our time.
For decades engineers have stood accused that their buildings do not have any cultural value. We have attempted to liberate engineering of this accusation.
In places where this beauty has already disappeared, we will reconstruct it.
Only one country and one system is unable to recognize our accomplishments: Russia. They make the lying claim that our road construction program is only on paper.
The car resembles a dragon fly or any other jumping animal that moves shorter distances in straight lines and then changes its direction at different points.
The car is not a rabbit or a deer that jumps around in sweeping lines, but it is a man-made work of technology in need of an appropriate roadway.
Factories are the workplaces of our National Socialist racial comrades.
The ever increasing spiritual damage caused by life within the big city will make this hunger practically uncontrollable when we build here on this the landscape of our homeland we must be clear that we will protect its beauty.
The purpose of the Reichsautobahnen is to become the roads of Adolf Hitler.
I could not imagine that we should make much of an effort to preserve remainders of natural beauty in conquered Poland.