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I did an internship with Dove when they were doing the 'real beauty' campaign, and I was really inspired by that. Growing up in L.A., being a young woman, and seeing how the media tells young women to be everything you're not, I kind of wrote about that experience.
I'm really passionate and love everything lifestyle-oriented, so that's what I do on my website. I have been able to get other people to contribute to the website to create kind of a hub for people in the millennial generation - people my age.
I decided to move out of the apartment I was sharing with my best friend before graduation and move back home. My parents had recently separated, and I wanted to move back home with my mom and my siblings.
The most important thing that I've learnt is that the perfect body doesn't exist.
Learning to love my inner and outer beauty wasn't an easy road. I still don't always love the reflection I see in the mirror, but I have learned that my outer appearance does not define me.
I talk to my mom about six times a day, and we constantly email in between that. People say that I'm her twin. I guess it would be the Kennedy genes; my cheekbones are coming out.
I don't do my hair very perfectly because I think it looks sexier when you don't have everything perfectly structured out.
When I went to college, I met a new group of friends and looked back on my high-school experience and realized how much time I had wasted on trying to make myself something I wasn't.
My father is Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor of California, and yes, he was the Terminator! He is also a former Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia, two titles he earned as a champion bodybuilder.
It's easy to be critical of ourselves and other women around us. We stand in front of the mirror and only focus on the things we hate about our body and our appearance. But I encourage you to change that attitude the next time you are in front of the mirror.
From the moment I watched my first episode of 'Girls,' I have been a fan of Lena Dunham.
I graduated high school, and I did my internship at Dove in their public relations department because I thought I wanted to be in PR, which turns out I did not. It was right when they were coming out with the Campaign for Real Beauty, so I got an inside view on the whole thing.
When I was younger, I played sports and went to camp. As I got older, my parents began to instill in us the importance of giving back to the community, especially those places around the world that are less fortunate than my very privileged life growing up in Los Angeles.
I grew up with my mom always talking to everyone everywhere, whether it was professionally or in a coffee shop. And my dad was the same way. So I love being able to talk to people, hear their stories and be inspired.
My go-to shoes for everyday would probably have to be either my white Converse that I've had since high school or my black Alexander McQueen flats with the skull on the top. It depends on my day.
Women's bodies are meant to store fat so that we can do amazing things like have babies or rock a tight pair of jeans.
The whole thing with contouring is to contour where your natural cheekbone would be and where sun would hit you naturally.
I'm so excited to be working with 360, not only because I am in love with everything they create but also because each collection always includes the key pieces I look for.
Keep in mind that it is very important to stay moving and to get exercise - positive feelings about our appearance develop once we start taking control of our health.
Most people feel weird about white heels, but I love them and wear them with everything, especially when I need to mix up an all-black outfit.
An example of a trend that I tried that didn't exactly work out would be high-waisted jeans. We see them everywhere, but what I realized is that they don't work for every body type.
My siblings and I were raised to be very hardworking and to find something that we're passionate in, and to be able to turn that into work - I'm lucky to be able to say that I've done that.
We should celebrate how amazing our bodies are! We all have things that we like and dislike about our bodies, but we need to focus on what we love - maybe it's a great smile, strong legs or curly hair?
As young women, we all feel a pressure to look a certain way, and sometimes it is just too much to handle. But, there are good and bad ways to deal with this pressure. A terrible way to handle this pressure is to complain about all of our flaws and expect other girls to join in.