My first trimester I was so exhausted. I could sleep 10 hours, then wake up, look in the mirror and still have eyes like a hound dog! I felt like the life was sucked out of me, no matter how much sleep I got. It was obvious that my body was really busy doing something else and 'beauty sleep' didn't exist anymore!
I love my fans! My job would not be what it is without them.
The women on that list are amazing, so to be on it for the first time and have this position is crazy. I’m not one to walk around and strut like Miss Thing, so I’m pretty humbled.
Eighty percent of the things I do are not natural for my personality. I believe you have to fake it till you make it. Act like you're confident and you'll get there.
I'd say I was a tomboy... I took wood shop in high school and I was very into volleyball and football, and was very unaware of anything girly for a long time.
One of my favorite things to do is cook. I love taking the time to plan and prepare meals. I try to use all organic ingredients and make everything from scratch.
I eat mostly organic, but I love macaroni and cheese, Mexican food, and egg-and-cheese croissants. So when I indulge, I eat protein and veggies for the rest of the day. It really is all about moderation and balance.
When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing that had to go was the acne medicine and chemical-filled face washes and lotions. I made sure everything was natural and organic, and I started reading blogs by other pregnant women.
The food and drink that goes along with football is one of the best things: hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and dips. At the stadium I would probably get nachos, but when I'm at home we order pizza a lot.
I'm very shy. I know it's weird for a person who models lingerie and swimsuits, but I don't like to be the center of attention!
Well, beauty’s in the eye of the beholder... It’s all subjective. I’m kind of shy about it, but I’ll take it.
I think my appeal is that I've always tried to stay very grounded to my fans and to be accessible - not being this unattainable thing. I think doing sports and riding motorcycles has made me more approachable and more real and down to earth.
I loved my second trimester! I didn't feel sick anymore and had more energy. My bloated belly turned into a baby bump, and I definitely looked pregnant. That was a relief because when I was around 4.5 months, you could see people having this inner monologue with themselves, wondering if I ate too much pizza or if I was pregnant.
Working your obliques pulls everything together and gives you a slim waist.
I was just so focused on being healthy for my baby during pregnancy, and afterward I was not in a rush to lose the weight. I really wanted to be as healthy as I could. It wasn't about getting my six-pack back. There are more important things in life than a six-pack, I realized.
Working out is not a luxury, it's a necessity.
You have to get over being shy, and just be comfortable with yourself, and I think that for me, if I'd stayed in a small town, I'd be a different person.
Growing up, I was always really shy about my body.
When I'm home, I cook and try to eat really clean. I try to eat vegetables at every meal. I stay away from pasta and bread and have brown rice and potatoes instead.
The first thing I do every morning is go online to check the surf. If the waves are good, I'll go surf. The beach is 10 minutes away.
I'm really close to my parents and my sisters. It is awesome to have a built-in support system and people who love you unconditionally. I wouldn't be the person I am without my crew!
I really wanted to be as healthy as I could. It wasn't about getting my six-pack back. There are more important things in life than a six-pack, I realized. It was just so much more important to take care of my baby and take care of myself in a healthy way; so now, it's been a slow process, but I'm back in shape.
All girls like guys who are tough. Obviously, riding a motorcycle - I don't want to say that there's a bad boy quality - but there's definitely a tough and macho thing about a guy who rides a motorcycles and that element of danger. That's really sexy.
Who isn't a fan of Jeff Bridges? And he is such a unique character. I can't think of anybody who's quite like him. He was a lot of fun to be around, just personally.