I've always been aware of both how extraordinarily normal and how extraordinarily extraordinary my life has been. It's always been important, first to my parents when I was younger, and now very much to me, to live in the world. I would never want to live in a cloister.
My earliest memory is my mom picking me up after I had fallen down, giving me a big hug and reading me 'Goodnight Moon.' From that moment, to this one, every single memory I have of my mom is that regardless of what was happening in her life, she was always, always there for me.
I definitely taught my parents how to text and how to charge their phones.
I love the right words. I think economy and precision of language are important.
I have never thought of my life as being an enigma.
When I was born, my father was governor of Arkansas.
I hope to become a better teacher. I love teaching.
Oxford is wonderful. I'm having a great time. We do go out, but I still try to spend most of my time studying in the library.
What inspires me most are people who imagine and implement solutions to challenges in their own lives, in their communities, in our country and around the world.
I never once doubted that my parents cared about my thoughts and my ideas. And I always, always knew how deeply they loved me. That feeling of being valued and loved, that's what my mom wants for every child.
Changing laws and changing the political dialogue, while necessary, is insufficient to ensure that bullying stops; to ensure that every young person is supported by their parents and their teachers as they question who they are and they discover who they are regardless of the sexuality.
I've always been incredibly proud of both of my parents and proud of the work I had done privately as a person, professionally and academically.
I just hope that I will be as good a mom to my child, and hopefully children, as my mom was to me.
Over the summer I thought that I would seek out non-Americans as friends, just for diversity's sake. Now I find that I want to be around Americans - people who I know are thinking about our country as much as I am.
I love my parents, and I want my mother to be president.
I think about how best to live my grandmother's twin mantras that 'Life is not a dress rehearsal' and 'Life is not about what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you.'
I hadn't planned on or expected to have a public dimension in my life.
I certainly believe that all of my friends should have the right, as Marc and I did, to marry their best friend. I certainly expect my straight friends to help us achieve that for all New Yorkers, for all Americans, and for the children that, at least, Marc and I hope to have someday.
My parents taught me to approach the world critically, but also to approach it with a sense of responsibility.
I remember that my mom, my dad and I would play different roles in mock debates, where one of us would be the moderator, one of us would be my dad - frequently not my dad - and then one of us would play his opponent.
I am excited to work with NBC News to continue to highlight stories of organizations and individuals who make their communities and our world healthier, more just and more humane.
I walk my dog every morning.
My parents have been incredibly supportive from perhaps the first real independent decision I made to become a vegetarian at 11, which was certainly not consistent with their diet at the time.
My parents were definitely on the incentive side of parenting. Like, they told me that my father had learned to read when he was three. So, of course, I thought I had to, too.