It was definitely hard when I first started, and by no means do I consider my live show to be where I want it to be; it will develop step by step for the rest of my life.
Rather than trying to create an audience, just try and create music that feels good to you.
I remember a concert for a visiting girls school, and that was the first time I ever sang - it was always about girls - that was the main thing. But somewhere along the line, it became a cathartic thing.
An album is like a book or a diary or a snapshot... It just feels so like the end of a chapter when you finish one.
Most of my inspiration comes from mistakes, so every time I make a massive mistake, that usually affects me so much that I have to process that via song.
All my ego wants is to be sitting by a lake in Italy. It doesn't want to be backstage, warming up.
It's like my parents' musical tastes are the mother and father of my music. It's their fault for making me so emotional and in tune with my emotions!
I don't start my show at 200%. I like to go in slow, warm up the crowd, and bring them along with me. To hear everyone singing along is so great.
Sometimes it feels like it's show after show after show - like it's 'Groundhog Day,' and you feel like you're lost in the system.
Hype is a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing if you aren't prepared to back it up.
I think you can move to everything, but with some music, you just want to sit still. That's me, anyway.
Chet Faker's a reference to the late Chet Baker. I'm a big fan of his vocal style; it's quite fragile and soft, and that was a style I wanted to take on.
I would consider my diary serves the same purpose as going for a walk or a run. They are all physical ways of clearing a mental landscape.
I studied audio engineering at university. The background I am from, music was never seen as a viable career; it was always a hobby.
Ultimately, I love making music more than anything. And I want to do that for ever. I don't want be on the top. I just want to keep doing what I'm doing.
I think that connection with humans is so important. Sometimes I'll do this monologue and talk to the crowd, like, 'Come on, let's really connect here.' I don't think a lot of people understand it's a two-way exchange. Some people go to a show and are like, 'Yeah, you make me feel.' That's not how it works.
I just love a slow groove. I feel so comfortable in it. But I listen to a lot of fast music, a lot of techno and house.
On my Instagram, lots of people tag me in photos of just dudes with beards, and they're like, 'Oh my God, I met Chet Faker' and I'm like, 'That doesn't even look like me.'
That's what helps me keep playing: the idea of giving something to others. Because personally, I've had my fill.
Sleep is getting to be like gold.
I'm a humanist at heart: at the end of the day, we are all human beings.
I second guess everything I do musically, and I often could spend hours on, say, one snare sound.
Music to me is about being honest, and it's what I've always pictured music as. I don't see the point of expressing yourself if you are going to be cryptic about it.