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Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.
My books have helped a lot of men to lose weight.
You cannot show people only the petals and not the thorns. It's not fair to them.
I'm not overly focused on being loved by everybody.
Depriving yourself will, ironically enough, lead to rebelling and weight gain.
I admire people like Warren Buffett that are donating so much money to charity.
Until you become a woman you don't know the things that come with being a woman.
It's my nature to run from relationships, because I have never seen a good one.
Never eat while doing something else, because you won't get the satisfaction from your food and you'll be more likely to overeat.
I have the most beautiful daughter in the world and I'm grateful for her.
I thought doing reality TV would be the greatest success of my life or the biggest mistake.
Baby wipes are great for everything! For wiping babies' butts, as an eye-makeup remover, to wipe the counter, to clean my hands at the airport, just everything.
I'm one of those people who have everything in their purses.
You have to work for everything. Marriage should not be any different.
Frankly, I don't trust any diet that doesn't allow sugar.
Thinking about women who can't have their own baby, even the first baby, I'm really lucky.
I like showing moms what it's really like having a baby, and how it's not Hollywood life.
I went onto reality TV as a business decision.
In many ways, being pregnant and working were more difficult than motherhood.
I can't work without my family being with me.
I can't just only be on reality TV and show everything when it's the fairy princess, fairytale, and then not take my hits when I have to.
My business doesn't keep me warm at night.
I have to be in a relationship where I can say what I feel even if it's wrong - so we can work through it.
I've always been told I have a giant placenta.