I'm a Democrat.
My mother's first career was physical therapy, her second was writer, and her third career was president of an organic fertilizer company. And she's driven a tank.
We can only have true public safety with public trust.
Done right, precision can help clarify, plus it's fun.
I am very aware that I married up, and I'm lucky for it every day.
Rightly or wrongly, as a woman in politics, you're being judged for what you're wearing, and people are paying attention to that more than they do with men.
Prince was a child of our city, and his love of his hometown permeated many of his songs. Our pride in his accomplishments permeates our love of Minneapolis.
I pray and meditate first thing in the morning.
What's not fascinating about 'Wonder Woman?' She's powerful. She's strong. She gets her strength from other women. She kicks butt in the world. You know, she's bulletproof, which is appealing. But she also has the Lasso of Truth. That's the thing I would want most, that Lasso of Truth. Because in politics, it would be very handy.
I'm a little obsessed with lip balm. When I go to a new place, I'll find the locally made natural lip balms and buy them as my little memento.
Physical development fosters learning.
I am very clear with people that I am willing and able to make tough choices, and I will do that.
Together we are bigger than the sum of our parts.
We must shout out from the rooftops that Minneapolis is the best place on Earth.
Since I'm a Minnesotan, that bragging thing is a little hard.
Donald Trump is out to destroy people's lives, and he's trying to take our democracy down. That is something we can fight with everything we've got, but having compassion for one another while we do it is going to get us a lot further.
I have people I talk to on a regular basis about what's going on in my life, what am I struggling with, and where my faith is at.
Human-induced climate change is a scientific reality, and its effective control is a moral imperative for humanity.
Professional people build relationships by doing the work together.
When Donald Trump comes after any part of our community, he'll find 419,000 Minneapolitans and me standing squarely in his way. That's the kind of wall I can support.
Transit builds a city that people choose to live in.
If we're going to make a city everybody can live in for a lifetime, we need to make sure we are building and growing for everybody.
When we are all together, we will have a future that is far greater than whatever we could do separate from one another.
If Donald Trump wants to harm cities and the people who call them home, he'll have to come through me.