I want to drive down health care costs.
Chris Gibson -
I think abortion is a settled issue in New York.
Chris Gibson
When it comes to the SAFE Act, when it comes to rolling back Common Core, I recognize that I need Assembly Democrats to make that a reality.
Chris Gibson -
I will make the final decision on running for governor after my congressional term ends.
Chris Gibson -
Even with the approach that I take in Congress, which is to bring people together to get things done - many people describe that as 'reasonable' - I couldn't vote for John Boehner's re-elect.
Chris Gibson -
This deficit that we have threatens our very way of life, and everything needs to be on the table.
Chris Gibson -
If I don't believe I'm the guy that's going to help defeat Cuomo, then I won't go forward.
Chris Gibson -
The rural nature of our district relies heavily on the profitability of our family farms.
Chris Gibson
My travels have made clear that people across this state - from every political perspective - are looking for a new leader in Albany.
Chris Gibson -
We understand that we're going to be outspent. But we still think we can win decisively because there's some things money can't buy. Among these are votes.
Chris Gibson -
It is in the best interests of my constituents and the country to repeal and replace the ACA, and defunding/delaying implementation is consistent with that approach.
Chris Gibson -
I've seen the human condition under the most trying of circumstances.
Chris Gibson -
What my voting record reflects is constantly looking to improve the amount of resources we having going into research, development, and prototypes we have going into renewable energy sources.
Chris Gibson -
On the Agriculture Committee, I will be an ardent and strong champion for our farmers to ensure that they are treated fairly, particularly in regards to how their products are priced.
Chris Gibson
Too many upstate New Yorkers have to drive 30 minutes or more to see a doctor.
Chris Gibson -
I came from a working-class family. My dad was in a union. I never forgot what it was like to be a private.
Chris Gibson -
We know there isn't anything we can say or do that will bring their loved one back. What we can do is support them and honor their sacrifice by doing everything we can, every day, to make our communities stronger and our nation better so that we may be a people worthy of their sacrifices.
Chris Gibson -
Intervening militarily would exacerbate - not resolve - the matter and, in the process, will Americanize the Syrian civil war.
Chris Gibson -
The idea that two political parties can't come together to get a mission done is foreign to me - and unacceptable.
Chris Gibson -
Importantly, rather than being solely concerned with U.N. approval, the president must come first to our own Congress for authorization, and I urge him to do so. Finally, I understand the impulse to take action in Syria; however, I hope the president carefully considers this matter and resists the call from some to use military force in Syria.
Chris Gibson
Jesus's first commandment was to love one another.
Chris Gibson -
Among the chartered responsibilities of the federal government were, in those areas where appropriate - such as facilitating interstate commerce - to provide for justice and domestic tranquility, the common defense, and to secure the blessings of liberty.
Chris Gibson -
In the five years from 2007 to 2012, we only gained a little over 1,200 farmers. Since we aren't going to stop eating, we have to reverse that trend, or we'll see even more consolidation, more corporate farms, or increasing food imports; none of that is in our interest.
Chris Gibson -
While I have strongly and consistently supported the Clean Power Plan, and continue to do so, I cannot and will not support a proposal for a cap-and-trade system.
Chris Gibson