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Remember to enjoy everything. The things that feel good, the things that hurt. It’s all gonna make you better. Stronger.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
I don't think anyone loses by trying to be loyal to their dreams.
Hayley Williams Paramore
My faith is the only thing that never fails me.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
Want to be one of a kind? Be yourself.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
This is sad. I just think it’s a little ridiculous we are still only looking at the surface of one another. Red hair? Blue hair? Pink? Blonde? Short? Long? Whatever. We might as well shave our heads. Hair has nothing to do with the reason we playing music. It’s a style. Something that will never last as long as the songs we play and the words we sing. Listen up ladies in bands, I’m so proud to be one of you and I don’t care if we all look exactly alike or if we are all carbon copies of each other. We have things to say and it’s up to us to get people to not just look but to LISTEN!
Hayley Williams Paramore -
If I ever did have a baby, it probably would eat people.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
When we think we know people inside out and we think we know what's best for them we should try to remember we don't even know what's best for ourselves.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act like a prism and form a rainbow. The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. These take the shape of a long round arch, with it’s path high above, and it’s two ends apparently beyond the horizon. There is, according to legend, a boiling pot of a gold at one end. People look, but no one ever finds it. When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Hayley Williams Paramore
The thing is, our generation, we fight every day to get through life.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
Never stop supporting music because it will never stop being there for you when you need it.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
For something to be great, there has to be some kind of trial or some type of struggle that actually makes it special or valuable to you. Otherwise, anything could be easily taken for granted.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
So one day he found her crying Coiled up on the dirty ground Her prince finally came to save her & the rest you can figure out But it was a trick & the clock struck twelve Well make sure to build your home brick by boring brick or the wolf's gonna blow it down Keep your feet on the ground When your head's in the clouds.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
Seems like a lot of my generation as a whole is more concerned with being the cool kid; sarcastic, smug, or just all together impenetrable. So anyway, it's not always comfortable to be like, the dorky, happy girl at the party... but that's me.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
Don't be scared to embrace the way that it hurts just to grow. You'll look back and your heart will thank you for not standing still when what you needed the most was to move forward.
Hayley Williams Paramore
You don’t go to a show because you think someone in the band is hot.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
That was the day that I promised I'd never sing of love that does not exist. but darling, You are the only exception.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
I live around dudes all the time so I've heard millions of stories about how they go through a breakup and then the girl turns absolutely crazy. I always thought growing up like: "No, I won't be like that - when I go through a breakup I'll be cool."
Hayley Williams Paramore -
Music is, I think, the best way to... not forget, but to just escape for a moment.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
It’s sad when friends become enemies. But what’s even worse is when they become strangers.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
Any struggle or pain that you experience just gets you to the top, and you can't get there without making the climb. A few years later, you won't remember exactly the way the pain felt or how long it took, you'll just remember the view from the top. In fact, you might smile at the fact you had to work to get there.
Hayley Williams Paramore
I don't want to sound like I'm trying to be too deep about it, but when we play shows, music takes everybody on their own journey - because one song might mean something to me, that means something completely different to someone else.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
It's odd to look out there and see a bunch of Mini-Mes," says Williams. "You're wondering what possessed them to do such a thing . . . It sort of does a reverse psychology on you. You'd think you'd be like `Hey, all these people want to look like me. I feel pretty cool.' But actually it makes you feel more self aware and I'm not really fond of that.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
My hair is made of actual fire, you guys.
Hayley Williams Paramore -
The most important part about playing shows and touring, is connecting with fans. At the end of the day it's not really a band and fans, we're all just human beings.
Hayley Williams Paramore