I would do musicals in high school where there was dancing, and I would sing my verse, and then they would choreograph it so when I would take an eight-count to back up to the back of the stage while the other dancers covered me up because my body was totally... I was always in newborn-deer mode.
Wrestling introduced me to the idea that my body has a purpose besides trying to look five years younger for the first time.
When we did 'Endgame,' we were all hunched over and making the craziest sounds. Then I graduated and went right into auditioning for 'Gossip Girl' and things like that, where, as an actress, you're required to act from the neck up and, from the neck down. It's a presentation of your birthday-suit self.
I think that it's our job to sort of band together and say, 'OK, what are the ways the male gaze has seeped into your brain and is affecting the way you treat yourself? Let's work together to eliminate that.'
With all the stuff that's going on in the world - after I watch the news, read the news, and listen to my podcasts, at the end of the day, am I really going to watch an episode of murder and time travel?
I loved musicals because I felt like breaking out in song makes so much sense to me because it's the stakes of how you feel inside!
I started doing plays in New York while I was at Fordham, but I did graduate by the skin of my teeth.
I have learned so much personally from wrestling, and it has really bled into my daily life.
Wrestling really is kind of the highest form of theater.
I went to theater school where there is a lot of holding each other's faces and crying, and a lot of kid gloves.
I spent a lot of time in college studying theater of the absurd and Beckett and Genet, and then I spent a lot of time after that at 'Gossip Girl' auditions, thinking, 'Wow, I really wasted my money.'
I ate cucumbers and saltines - not because I wanted to look a certain way, but because I was so sad my appetite disappeared.
I'm on a billboard in Times Square, but my bathroom is still dirty, and I have toothpaste on my face.
I find myself on Yelp typing in 'the best 'blank'' all the time: best cheese, best ice cream, best pizza.
I've done plays where you get into the run and can go to auditions during the day, or can have lunch with someone, and then you go to half-hour and show up.
Both of my parents are actors, so I grew up backstage with them. I would see some of their shows 30, 40, 50 times. I would have it all memorized. I loved it.
Wrestling was the first time I thought, 'My leg is the thing that functions in this way to do this move, to get from A to B.' Instead of, like, 'My body's purpose is to suck it in so the male showrunner thinks it's attractive.'
You would think that wrestling has so much to do with being aggressive and having a big ego, and it's exactly the opposite.
There's not a ton of roles out there for the insecure, loud Britney Spears type.
I went to the Women's March in D.C. on January 21, and I, looking around, was thinking, Wow, something that bonds all of us is that we've been silent-screaming in our bathrooms, alone, in between sarcastic lunches.
Every time I get catcalled, I fantasize about being able to do a wrestling move on someone.
The smell of a perm is this special kind of Chernobyl-grave soup smell.
Sometimes, daily life doesn't match the high stakes that you feel! And I feel like that is wrestling. Wrestling actually makes sense to me.
In previous roles, I have thought of my body as 'Betty's body,' and I try not to eat too many dinner rolls - please don't fire me! I'll make crazy choices from the neck up, but from the neck down, it's just me trying to suck it in. And in 'GLOW,' my whole body was required to do a function and not just to look as good as possible in a costume.