My most absorbing interests at the present time are etymologies of ancient languages, the newer works on the calculus of variations, and Hindu history. It's amazing the way things, apparently disconnected, hang together.
How many great problems have gone unsolved because men didn't know enough, or have enough faith in the creative process and in themselves, to let go for the whole mind to work at it?
I love the fact that 'Flowers for Algernon' is doing its part to get people reading.
The answer can't be found in books - or be solved by bringing it to other people. Not unless you want to remain a child all your life. You've got to find the answer inside you — feel the right thing to do.
There are a lot of people who will give money or materials, but very few who will give time and affection.
The foolish thing was trying to solve the problem all by myself. But the deeper I get tangled up in this mass of dreams and memories the more I realize that emotional problems can't be solved as intellectual problems are.
My father was in the paper recycling business back before they called it recycling.
The meaning of my total existence involves knowing the possibilities of my future as well as my past, where I'm going as well as where I've been.
So many of the ideas on which our psychologists base their beliefs about human intelligence, memory, and learning are all wishful thinking.
I've learned that intelligence alone doesn't mean a damn thing. It only leads to violence and pain.
I've got to grow up. For me it means everything...
You can't have everything you want in one woman.
Even a feeble-minded man wants to be like other men.
People resent being shown that they don't approach the complexities of the problem - they don't know what exists beyond the surface ripples.
I am not only a thing, but also a way of being - one of many ways - and knowing the paths I have followed and the ones left to take will help me understand what I am becoming.
Now I understand one of the important reasons for going to college and getting an education is to learn that the things you've believed in all your life aren't true, and that nothing is what it appears to be.
A child may not know how to feed itself, or what to eat, yet it knows hunger.
I thought: 'My education is driving a wedge between me and the people I love.' And then I wondered: 'What would happen if it were possible to increase a person's intelligence?'