In 2003, he was hit by a subway in Prague and lost both of his legs. It made me realize that we take for granted every step we take, and my brother now has to physically challenge himself to take each step in his prosthetic.
Too many people get married and lose themselves. You have to fiercely hold on to who you are, and you need to celebrate that in the other person because that's what made you fall in love in the first place.
That's literally been the story of my career. I'm always the second choice. And you know what? I'm more than happy to be that person.
It's easy when you've had difficulty or strife in your life to look at other people who seem like they've had it easier. But the thing we forget is that it is all relative, and each person's experience is uniquely their own, so that the worst thing they may be going through is truly the worst thing for them... it's just about having compassion.