All peoples have contributed to the overall progress and enhancement of human life.
There are many ways to be hungry. One can hunger for love, or fame or social justice, but hunger for food seems to curb all other cravings.
Americans are generally decent and fair people with a commitment to sense, but some of us, swept up by our passions, wade too far into a sea of sensibility.
Whatever one thinks of the wisdom of building a mosque near Ground Zero, this controversy now affords us an immense opportunity to examine who we are as a people. It provides us with the opportunity to get back to our foundational ideals, which have always stood as a beacon for the rest of the world.
I think the Hajj tends to reflect the state of the Ummah. That's one of the things about the Hajj is that you get to see the Ummah. It's a microcosm of the Ummah's condition.
Islam was hijacked on that September 11, 2001, on that plane, as an innocent victim.
The acquisition of knowledge - knowledge of both the world and of their own religion - will inoculate young people against extremist ideologies.
ISIS is very similar to the Kharijites, who were a toxic off-shoot of Islam. It's not Islam; it's a perversion of Islam, and to label these militant externalities as Islam is to legitimize their actions.
We want to counter the idea that Muslims and non-Muslims can't live together. This is not who we are or who we want to be.
September 11 was a wake-up call to me. I don't want to contribute to the hate in any shape or form. I now regret in the past being silent about what I have heard in the Islamic discourse and being part of that with my own anger.
Our duty is to be patient.
You can condemn and criticize religion... all those things are fine, but you can't mock and disrespect people.
As a Westerner, the child of civil rights and anti-war activists, I embraced Islam not in abandonment of my core values, drawn almost entirely from the progressive tradition, but as an affirmation of them.
To the solace of his name, simply saying 'Muhammad' has an incredibly soothing effect on me.
Much to the chagrin of the staunchly secular among us, religion shows no sign of going away. Predictions of the demise of religion, faith, tradition - and even God - have consistently been proven wrong.
Every day, my love for Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, increases.
The entrenched beliefs many westerners profess about Islam often reveal more about the West than they do about Islam or Muslims.
Live your lives. Go out; take walks amongst trees.
For believers, both privilege and privation are a trial, and both demand responses: one demands service, and the other demands patience. The greatest privilege is to live well in flourishing lands; the greatest privation is to live in the midst of war, especially civil war.
Reason cannot calm the storm of emotion, and emotion usually wins, until it settles down and allows reason to rise again and apologize on behalf of it.
God is much greater than anything we can imagine.
Corruption is rife in the Muslim world, and when it is coupled with the marginalization of religion, it manifests itself as frustration and becomes a fertile recruiting ground for extremism.
Where you don't have people who have strong intellectual capacity, you get demagoguery.
We Muslims in the West, like Jews before us, grapple with the same issues that Jews of the past did: integration or isolation, tradition or reform, intermarriage or intra-marriage.