You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet.
Mark Hyman -
Most schools have only a microwave or deep fryer, hardly the tools needed to feed our children real, fresh food.
Mark Hyman
Children with obesity and diabetes live harder poorer lives, they often don't finish school and earn much less than their healthy counterparts.
Mark Hyman -
Just eat less and exercise more.
Mark Hyman -
Paradoxically Americans are becoming both more obese and more nutrient deficient at the same time. Obese children eating processed foods are nutrient depleted and increasingly get scurvy and rickets, diseases we thought were left behind in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Mark Hyman -
Tricking your brain into thinking you are getting something sweet plays dirty tricks on your metabolism.
Mark Hyman -
The way most doctors practice medicine right now isn't working.
Mark Hyman -
Your social networks may matter more than your genetic networks. But if your friends have healthy habits you are more likely to as well. So get healthy friends.
Mark Hyman
The very fact that we are having a national conversation about what we should eat, that we are struggling with the question about what the best diet is, is symptomatic of how far we have strayed from the natural conditions that gave rise to our species, from the simple act of eating real, whole, fresh food.
Mark Hyman -
I don't need the fillers, additives, excessive amounts of sugars, fats, salts and other measures taken to taint the natural goodness of real food.
Mark Hyman -
The body maintains balance in only a handful of ways. At the end of the day, disease occurs when these basic systems are out of whack.
Mark Hyman -
It is just physics - who can argue with Newton and the first law of thermodynamics?
Mark Hyman -
You cannot control the primitive urges and hormones that drive your eating behavior.
Mark Hyman -
The best advice is to avoid foods with health claims on the label, or better yet avoid foods with labels in the first place.
Mark Hyman
While pimples are not as simple as too much milk or sugar in your diet, both have a significant impact. Nutritional deficiencies as well as excesses can worsen acne.
Mark Hyman -
Recommending gastric bypass as a national solution for our diabetes epidemic is bad medicine and bad economics.
Mark Hyman -
One in four kids have either pre-diabetes or diabetes - what I like to call diabesity. How did this happen?
Mark Hyman -
There are ways to cut cravings by naturally balancing your blood sugar.
Mark Hyman -
If you want to get healthy, you just might not want to go to a doctor. You might instead, go to church.
Mark Hyman