I have not read your novel but I have carefully read the reviews of your manuscript, responses to it, which contain many excerpts from your novel. Look how many quotes from them I have written down.
Vasily Grossman -
Humanity will live as long as there are humans.
Vasily Grossman
We would only multiply the number of victims. Our duty is to strengthen the state and defend the people, why, then, should we publish your book.
Vasily Grossman -
The more difficult a man's life had been before the camp, the more furiously he lied. This lie had no practical purpose; it served simply to glorify freedom. How could a man be unhappy outside the camp?
Vasily Grossman -
National Socialism had created a new type of political criminals: criminals who had not committed a crime.
Vasily Grossman -
It is impossible to publish your book, and it will not be published in the next 200 years.
Vasily Grossman -
We should not underestimate the harm it would bring should it be published.
Vasily Grossman -
I have written only what I have thought through, felt through and suffered through.
Vasily Grossman
Why should we add your book to the atomic weapons arrayed against us by our enemies. Publication of your book would help our enemies.
Vasily Grossman -
Our Soviet writer must be guided in his world only by the need of the people, useful for the society.
Vasily Grossman -
No, we have not destroyed it. Let it sit. We cannot change its fate.
Vasily Grossman -
You know what enormous harm we have been dealt by the publication of Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago. Everybody who has read your book, everybody who has seen the reviews are convinced that the potential harm from your 'Life and Fate' would be far more dangerous than that of Doctor Zhivago.
Vasily Grossman