The only players I hurt with my words are the ones who have an inflated opinion of their ability. I can't worry about that.
So if the players trust the coach, it's not a problem. If the players don't trust the coach, it is a problem, and vice versa.
There is winning and there is misery.
No matter how much you've won, no matter how many games, no matter how many championships, no matter how many Super Bowls, you're not winning now, so you stink.
If the players don't trust the coach, it is a problem, and vice versa.
I've been around enough to know what it takes to get a team to reach its potential, and I want players who want to reach their potential.
The NFL has been good to me.
Usually older players, late in the season, start to get cold.
The fans, with all due respect, they don't affect the decisions I would make as a coach.
The thing I really look for in this business is there are guys who are into football and there are guys who are in the profession for other reasons.
By and large, I've been healthy all my life.
I'm not really in the excuse business.
There are two things in New York, euphoria and disaster.