As boring as it sounds, I don't feel any different than I did before the 'House of Night.'
I'm learning a lot, and I'm trying to make it so that every time I write, it's better than the last time I've written.
I am expected to be glamorous and untouchable. Like success would make me spoiled and entitled. However, I am just a normal dog-owning, horse-riding, meat-eating Oklahoman.
I don't watch 'Glee,' not that I have anything against it. Whenever I miss the first few episodes, I won't watch the series.
No one wants to be the kid who allies with the weird kid.
No one in high school wants to be put under the spotlight. You don't want to be that person who stands up for the other people because then the people who are going after those people are gonna come after you.
Oh my God, I used to get heartburn and all sorts of indigestion and stuff because I didn't feel well. And you know, I sit a lot because I write, and I gained a whole bunch of weight. My vanity just got to me, and I was like, 'I've got to do something!'
I was really the first-line editor of the 'House of Night' series. I didn't write that much of the story, and I didn't know what was happening until my mom finished the book and sent it to me because I wanted to read it with fresh eyes as a general reader would.
I think 'House of Night' blew up the way it did because it offered so many people a fantasy that they can be... vampires are very alluring.
I am unique, a sheep, intimidating, scared, powerful, beautiful, flawed, and perfect in the same moment.
I've gained fans, fame, fortune, but I don't feel different. Am I supposed to?