The old hide-bound Liberalism was played out; the Newcastle programme of 1891 had been realised. The task now was to build up the country.
David Lloyd George -
Death is the most convenient time to tax rich people.
David Lloyd George
Lloyd George said that Harding's speech on American naval aspirations made him feel that he would pawn his shirt rather than allow America to dominate the seas. If this was to be the outcome of the League of Nations propaganda, he was sorry for the world and in particular for America.
David Lloyd George -
He won't fight the Germans but he will fight for Office.
David Lloyd George -
He Hitler is a very great man. 'Fuhrer' is the proper name for him, for he is a born leader, yes, and statesman.
David Lloyd George -
Who ordained that a few should have the land of Britain as a perquisite, who made 10,000 people owners of the soil and the rest of us trespassers in the land of our birth?
David Lloyd George -
Success to your meetings. Future of this country depends on breaking up the land monopoly-it withers the land, depresses wages, destroys independence, and drives millions into dwellings which poison their strength. Godspeed to every effort to put an end to this oppression.
David Lloyd George -
We must make, if we can, an enduring peace. That is why I feel so strongly regarding the proposal to hand over two million Germans to the Poles, who are an inferior people so far as concerns the experience and capacity for government. We do not want to create another Alsace-Lorraine.
David Lloyd George
Never have I had such great minds around me—Smuts, Balfour, Bonar Law...and Curzon. Curzon was perhaps not a great man, but he was a supreme Civil Servant. Compared to these men, the front benches of today are pigmies.
David Lloyd George -
We are muddled into war.
David Lloyd George -
The most dangerous thing in the world is to try to leap a chasm in two jumps.
David Lloyd George -
He has sat on the fence so long that the iron has entered his soul.
David Lloyd George -
I believe there is a new order coming for the people of this country. It is a quiet but certain revolution.
David Lloyd George -
The League of Nations is the greatest humbug in history. They cannot even protect a little nation like Armenia. They do nothing but pass useless resolutions.
David Lloyd George
Free Trade is a great pacificator. We have had many quarrels, many causes of quarrels, during the last fifty years, but we have not had a single war with any first-class Power. Free Trade is slowly but surely cleaving a path through the dense and dark thicket of armaments to the sunny land of brotherhood amongst nations.
David Lloyd George -
We are offering Ireland not subjection but equality, not servitude but partnership.
David Lloyd George -
A politician is a person with whose politics you don't agree; if you agree with him he's a statesman.
David Lloyd George -
Lloyd George told me he did not see how we could get successfully through this war...'It is clear that that damn fool Neville Chamberlain never gave a thought to that question - whether we would win - when he declared war. I am not against war, but I am against war when we have no chance of winning.'
David Lloyd George -
Lloyd George said the Czar only got his deserts-he had ignored the just pleas of the peasants & had shot them down ruthlessly when they came unarmed to him in 1905.
David Lloyd George -
Sincerity is the surest road to confidence.
David Lloyd George
Liberty has restraints but no frontiers.
David Lloyd George -
Great Britain would spend her last guinea to keep a navy superior to that of the United States or any other power.
David Lloyd George -
Mr. Chamberlain is right in so far as he says that things are not well in this country. We cannot feed the hungry with statistics of national prosperity, or stop the pangs of famine by reciting to a man the prodigious number of cheques that pass through the clearing-house. We must therefore propose something better than Mr. Chamberlain.
David Lloyd George -
I lay down as a proposition that most of the people who work hard for a living in the country belong to the Liberal Party. I would say, and I think, without offence, that most of the people who never worked for a living at all belong to the Tory Party.
David Lloyd George