Maybe I'll start a little group of us that's called the Don't Do Stupid Stuff caucus. I'm going to be in the D.D.S.S. caucus. I'm going to lead it. There's no reason for us to be doing stupid things that are not getting us anywhere.
America has a long history of pride in the military uniform, and the Army has a 362-page directive on proper uniform wear. Included are guidelines that accommodate freedom of religion by outlining what religious attire or jewelry can be worn with the uniform.
The private sector is the innovation engine of our economy, and more private-sector businesses and organizations than ever are recognizing that training, promoting, and retaining women is essential to their continued competitiveness - and their bottom line.
The whole idea of deterrence is to convince your enemy that you are willing and able to make it so painful for them to continue on a threatening or bellicose course that they change their behavior.
I served my country in uniform for 26 years.
I think there is a longing in everyone for a personal relationship with God.
Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton is exceptionally qualified to serve as President Trump's National Security Adviser, and I fully support his selection.
It might not be pretty, but the A-10 is our most capable close air-support aircraft, and its arrival on the battlefield signals survival for our troops and annihilation for our enemies.
If it were in our national security to deploy to South Africa under apartheid, would we have found it acceptable or customary to segregate African American soldiers from other American soldiers, and say, 'It's just a cultural thing'? I don't think so. I would hope not.
I was in Saudi Arabia on 9/11 and was part of the initial leadership team to execute the initial combat operations in Afghanistan.
I'm always looking for people on the other side of the aisle for any initiative I'm sponsoring - men and women - to move things forward.
Sexism is real.
Wherever women succeed, businesses will succeed.
The chief duty of our federal government is the safety and security of the American people.
When I started at the Air Force Academy, I found out that I couldn't be a fighter pilot simply because I had ovaries. That was enough to make me go for it.
When you value people, you give them freedom.
I'm probably one of the only people who has voted for the speaker of the House but didn't serve in Congress.
Before I became a fighter pilot, everyone said that women didn't have the physical strength. Well, I had just completed the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon.
When I see something messed up, I'm going to challenge it.
As an A-10 squadron commander in the Air Force, I was required to be ready to deploy my 24 Warthogs and team anywhere in the world within 24 hours, including the Korean Peninsula.
Growing up, I was told I could be anything I wanted to be. There were no limitations restraining me just because I was a girl. Then I joined the military.
I think my being a combat pilot, being a woman who has had to break down barriers and succeed in a male-dominated environment, and, I think, just being in the military for 26 years have all helped me.
My journey in the military solidified my tireless commitment to making sure girls and women are given the opportunity to meet their full potential, and nobody tells them they can't do something because they're a girl.
In 2001, I was an Air Force lieutenant colonel and A-10 fighter pilot stationed in Saudi Arabia, in charge of rescue operations for no-fly enforcement in Iraq and then in Afghanistan.