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Without investment, you cannot have jobs.
Emmanuel Macron -
Leaving the E.U. would mean the 'Guernseyfication' of the U.K., which would then be a little country on the world scale. It would isolate itself and become a trading post and arbitration place at Europe's border.
Emmanuel Macron
We are a continent of refugees, and if you say we can't integrate refugees, that's not consistent with our values, even if borders cannot be wide open.
Emmanuel Macron -
I want to be the president of all the people of France, for the patriots facing the threat of nationalism.
Emmanuel Macron -
Even if the Brits decide to remain, we will have to avoid a contagion on other countries.
Emmanuel Macron -
My responsibility will be to unite all the women and men ready to take on the tremendous challenges which are waiting for us, and to act.
Emmanuel Macron -
What we need is much more flexibility for the labour markets.
Emmanuel Macron -
We are implementing an in-depth reform on labor market, not to reduce rights for workers but to provide more visibility and more efficiency to investors and employers because it's the key for job creation.
Emmanuel Macron
My key message is be innovative, be ambitious; think global and big on day one.
Emmanuel Macron -
Political experience is political inefficacy.
Emmanuel Macron -
I'm a child of provincial France.
Emmanuel Macron -
We can't have our industry progressively destroyed by cheap Chinese imports.
Emmanuel Macron -
I want to become the president of all the people of France - the president of the patriots in the face of the threat from the nationalists.
Emmanuel Macron -
I have decided to create a new political movement.
Emmanuel Macron
France is a strong, wealthy country.
Emmanuel Macron -
Under the French system, you have to take into consideration that every five years, the president is directly elected by the people. He's the one that has the legitimacy.
Emmanuel Macron -
The doctors, whether based in Brussels or Paris, draw the same conclusions and write the same prescriptions.
Emmanuel Macron -
I will lead a fight against Islamist terrorism at every level.
Emmanuel Macron -
I kept trying, proposing, pushing... If you want to succeed, you cannot leave work half done, and unfortunately, many things were left half done. The choice was made not to launch a second wave of economic reforms that I was proposing.
Emmanuel Macron -
The only way governments or would-be governments respond to ills these days is by seeking to lower the temperature... and that tends to mean public spending.
Emmanuel Macron
In a common project, we can bring together well-meaning people from the Left and the Right.
Emmanuel Macron -
You can suddenly have a series of countries waking up and saying, 'I want the same status as the Brits,' which will be, de facto, the dismantling of the rest of Europe.
Emmanuel Macron -
It's about our ability precisely to integrate a people and offer jobs, and that, for me, is one of the key rationales of the reforms I'm pushing, and I'm a strong believer in that when you lift barriers, when you deregulate a lot of stuff, basically you improve the equality of opportunities.
Emmanuel Macron -
When you discuss your steel industry with China you are credible because you are part of the E.U., not because you are just U.K. You will be completely killed otherwise. You will never be in the situation to negotiate face to face with the Chinese because your domestic market is not relevant for the Chinese in comparison with their domestic market.
Emmanuel Macron