I don't think it's possible to have a wedding without it being stressful!
That whole world of musical theater was my first love. It's where I wanted to be when I was three years old.
Creatively I just enjoy challenging myself in different genres.
My biggest fantasy love affair was with Dustin Hoffman. It's so bizarre. Also Anthony Hopkins.
I was such a late bloomer when it comes to fashion.
Court TV. I can't stop watching it. I am absolutely obsessed! If I'm not reading a book or spending time with my husband, my friends or my dog, I am watching Court TV.
So my son is very curious, which is fantastic. He loves school. So I don't have to encourage him too much, but I love to do it because I know it's meaningful and words are powerful.
Yes, women, and men, have to be open to love, because if we're not open then there's no way for us to find happiness. But you can be open to it and still have no control over when it's going to happen.
I'll exercise in spurts, usually inspired by a dress that I have to fit into. But once that gown is squeezed into, if I continue to exercise, I get sick or I pull my back. For some reason my body literally rejects exercise.
My parents always made education and school the number one priority. They believed that an education is the best gift you can give to your child.
I'm naturally lean and I'm constantly walking.
I love to do glamorous things, like wear Valentino.
I don't exercise - that's something I struggle with.
To me, nothing is more fascinating or theatrical than real life. These people are in dire situations, where something extreme has happened in their lives.
But I've become completely obsessed with taking photos on my iPhone. I have like 400 apps.
I'm very devoted to my husband and we've been together for a very long time.
I come from the New York theatre world, and I have a lot of gay male friends, so this friendship of Will and Grace's isn't such a stretch.
I mean I love my family very much, but there is a difference when you're reuniting with your family outside of your hometown and reuniting in the family home.
I think the institute of marriage is a noble thing. The idea of a partner for life is incredibly romantic. But now we're living to 100. A hundred years ago people were dying at age 37. Til death do us part was a much different deal.
Becoming a mother was the single defining event of my life. It felt like the whole world shifted.
I love London. I love England. We were out in the countryside and I had the time of my life.
It's always been really important for me to try to maintain a balanced life, professional and personal, and this was absolutely something that my husband and I had hoped for.
I pay parking tickets. You know, you can try to give 50%, but then they charge you all those penalties! Seriously, I have gotten many, many, many tickets in my life.
If I have a pocket, then I'll have lip balm, my keys, and $10 cash.