I can't give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma.
It was Toto that made Dorothy laugh, and saved her from growing as gray as her other surroundings. Toto was not gray; he was a little black dog, with long silky hair and small black eyes that twinkled merrily on either side of his funny, wee nose.
In fact, Mr. Watson, it's a queer world, and the longer I live in it the queerer I find it. Once I thought it would be a good idea to regulate things myself and run the world as it ought to be run; but I gave it up long ago. The world's a stage, they say; but the show ain't always amusing, by a long chalk, and sometimes I wish I didn't have a reserved seat.
I shall really be very unhappy unless you give me the sort of courage that makes one forget he is afraid.
No thief, however skillful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to acquire.
Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer's wife.
'If any of us takes a rest, We'll be arrested sure, And get no restitution 'Cause the rest we must endure.'
Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
Imagination has brought mankind through the dark ages to its present state of civilization. Imagination led Columbus to discover America. Imagination led Franklin to discover electricity.
'My people have been wearing green glasses on their eyes for so long that most of them think this really is an Emerald City.'
Now we can cross the Shifting Sands.
'You are welcome, most noble Sorceress, to the land of the Munchkins. We are so grateful to you for having killed the Wicked Witch of the East, and for setting our people free from bondage.'
I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
'It must be inconvenient to be made of flesh,' said the Scarecrow thoughtfully, 'for you must sleep, and eat and drink. However, you have brains, and it is worth a lot of bother to be able to think properly.'
DIRECTIONS FOR USING: For THINKING:-Wind the Clockwork Man under his left arm, (marked No. 1). For SPEAKING:-Wind the Clockwork Man under his right arm, (marked No. 2). For WALKING and ACTION:-Wind Clockwork Man in the middle of his back, (marked No. 3). N. B.-This Mechanism is guaranteed to work perfectly for a thousand years.
'What do you want?' the ape asked at last.'Nothing,' said Ervic.'You may have that!' retorted the ape
It is a callous age; we have seen so many marvels that we are ashamed to marvel more; the seven wonders of the world have become seven thousand wonders.
'But girls often marry when they are too young,' exclaimed Mary-Marie quickly; 'so, if you don't object to my age - '
The absurd and legendary devil is the enigma of the Church.
'Oh, no, my dear; I'm really a very good man, but I'm a very bad Wizard, I must admit.'
The road to the City of Emeralds is paved with yellow brick.
'There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.'
'I think I prefer to be a Bear,' said Big Bru. 'I was born a Bear, and I know a Bear's ways. So I am satisfied to live as a Bear lives.'
SMITH & TINKER'S Patent Double-Action, Extra-Responsive, Thought-Creating, Perfect-Talking MECHANICAL MAN Fitted with our Special Clock-Work Attachment. Thinks, Speaks, Acts, and Does Everything but Live. Manufactured only at our Works at Evna, Land of Ev. All infringements will be promptly Prosecuted according to Law.