If you ever want to get the facts straight about me or the Batman, please write to the original source, myself, for the truth, instead of second guessing.
I created the title, masthead, the format and concept, as well as the Batman figure and costume. Robin, the boy wonder, was also my idea.
I didn't have the time to literally write and draw the strip at the same time.
If Bill Finger created Batman, where is Bill Finger's byline on my strip? It is conspicuous by its absence.
I intend to explode the myths about myself and get down to the real truth about the legend that is Batman.
I've often been asked, do I like the New Look Batman better than the old look. My answer to that question is, Emphatically, no!!
This was a very difficult determination in an extremely close race. Both men will make far better Virginia chief executives than their critics would lead you to believe.