Part of what you learn about life is that a wrecking ball can come out of nowhere, and it isn't just going to take out your left toe. It can hit you right in the middle and take you down.
What does the doctrine of American exceptionalism empower the United States to do? Nothing more than to act better than traditional empires - committed to looting and conquest - have done. So that's American exceptionalism: an exceptionalism based on noble ideas, ideas that it holds itself to even when it falls short of them.
I believe the most compelling explanation of Obama's actions is that he is, just like his father, an anti-colonialist.
I was a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in Washington, and my neighbor was Michael Novak, a theologian and philosopher who has written about issues like the morality of capitalism and the Christian roots of free markets. It's possible to be fascinated intellectually with the Christian heritage without being devout.
I love America, but I chose America.
Other countries have been founded by 'accidents of force.' America is a creation of thought.
Ramesh Ponnuru and others say Obama is a conventional liberal. But conventional liberals don't come out for the release of the Lockerbie bomber. Conventional liberals don't return the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office. Conventional liberals don't block oil drilling in America while subsidizing oil drilling in Brazil.
Blacks' problems lie not in the heads of white people but rather in the wasted and incompletely fulfilled lives of too many black people.
A bigot is simply a sociologist without credentials.
My wife, Dixie, is evangelical Christian. We met in the Reagan White House, when she was a student intern. We're members of the Horizon Christian Fellowship Church.
Republicans passed the Fourteenth Amendment, securing for blacks equal rights under the law, and the Fifteenth Amendment, giving blacks the right to vote, over the Democrats' opposition.
Whenever a Gujarati or Sikh businessman comes to a Republican event, it begins with an appeal to Jesus Christ. While the Democrats are really good at making the outsider feel at home, the Republicans make little or no effort.
I came to America because this is a country defined by ladders of opportunity.
What I've realized is that a film operates both on the intellectual and emotional levels, and if you can find a way to tell a riveting story and draw ideas out of that, it's very powerful.
Obama has little or nothing to do with the civil-rights movement. His roots are in Kenya, and he is shaped far more by anti-colonialism than by anything that Martin Luther King said or did.
Anti-Americanism from abroad would not be such a problem if Americans were united in standing up for their own country.
If Obama came by his liberalism in the faculty lounge, then sure, he can see it hasn't worked, and he can modify it. But if Obama got his formative ideas when he was very young, and if they are the result of his traumatic relationship with his father, then they are built into his psyche.
If you want to understand what is going on in the White House today, you have to begin with Barack Obama.
I don't want reporters to talk to me because I'm a revolutionary and if it got out that I'm basically friendly with Obama it would hurt Obama.
O.K., if the desire to knock America off its pedestal, to redistribute American income to other countries, to shrink America's footprint in the world, makes you anti-American, then Obama is in fact anti-American.
Christianity is the very root and foundation of Western civilization.
Christianity makes of life a moral drama in which we play a starring role and in which the most ordinary events take on a grand significance.
I'm not above the law. No one is. But we don't want to live in a society where Lady Justice has one eye open and winks at her friends and casts the evil eye at her adversaries. When will it stop?
Christianity teaches that this life is not the only life, and there is a final judgment in which all earthly accounts are settled.