For example, lead paint in old houses can be a greater threat to children's health than lead that may be under some industrial site where there are no children.
I think that there is a relatively small number of people who are pushing for independence in Taiwan.
For a long time in American history, people didn't even come up before the Senate. They didn't come before the Judiciary Committee, and up until about 1923, something like that.
But obviously, we can't afford to make some bad long-term decisions with regard to basic commitments our country has - trade those away for some short-term assistance that may or may not be there a month from now.
We can't forget the fact that although at a particular point in time we never found any WMD down there, he clearly had had WMD. He clearly had had the beginnings of a nuclear program.
This country has shed more blood for the freedom of other people than all the other nations in the history of the world combined, and I'm tired of people feeling like they've got to apologize for America.
Some of our folks went to Washington to drain the swamp and made partnership with the alligators instead.
I looked down on a quilt of clouds, bordered on the horizon by the blood-orange streaks of the setting sun. As the steady hum of the engine drowned out the chatter around me, I realized that I would probably be thinking about the implications of Watergate for the rest of my life. For the country, and for me it had been a significant point in time. (page 263)
You can't substitute promise after promise with known violators of prior promises at the expense of protecting ourselves or setting an example.
We're hoping for the best, but we need to prepare for the worst.
And it's difficult for the average American to understand why something like that could be so important and why a little small place like Taiwan would be so important to the PRC.
China is one of the world's greatest proliferators of weapons of mass destruction to these rogue nations.
While we believe there are fruitful opportunities to update and improve old rules, we do not want to set up a review process that could create a litigation morass.
Sometimes you have to, as I say, build bridges where you can - but draw lines where you must.