If you're not willing to take the political heat, then you shouldn't get into the game of land conservation, especially on a large scale.
Despite my great disappointment in American foreign policy, I am very proud of the American tradition of wild land conservation. It is the best tradition and example of land conservation in the world. It goes back a long way.
I'm sort of half-Chilean at this point anyway, half-Argentine. This is where I have been living and working for a long time now.
Fashion is one of the most intellectually vacuous industries. We had to manufacture desires to get people to buy our products. We were selling people countless things that they didn't need.
National Parks are the gold standard for conservation.
The byproduct of the main thrust to protect the biodiversity of a given place is that you get especially young people out to the parks, because it will be future generations that will have to value these landscapes and these ecosystems and make sure that nobody is changing the law.
National parks are the best expression of social equity that there is. It's like paying our rent for living on the planet.
It is really your behaviour that determines whether you're a patriot.
If you take guys like Exequiel Bustillo, the architect who designed the early park infrastructure in Argentina, or the great American architects, these guys had a vision that thrust the national park idea into the public eye.
I don't have a cell phone because I know how horrible it is. Using your cell phone is like putting your head in a microwave every day.
I'm short on celebrations and long on getting to work.
I tell myself to hurry up, that I have to do everything before death catches me.
People have to free their imaginations and realize everyone can do something, on a large or a small scale, depending on their ability. Those who can do a lot because of their position and potential should jump right in there.
I have even begun to think that I am caring for Argentina and Chile perhaps more than Argentines and Chileans. I feel like I'm sort of a de facto citizen, because I am looking after their national patrimony - which is the land - very carefully.
The Canadian power line is going to industrialize Patagonia, and it is going to discount the one economic card the region has to play, which is the tourism.
Conservation is not without its critics and opposition. There are a lot of special interests that don't want to see land set aside.
I don't want to see anything natural get hurt.
I learned from my parents that you have to get pleasure out of what you're doing, or don't do it.
I feel a strong bond with Chile and Argentina.
Look at how fast technology is developing.