Whatever happens in the world is real, what one thinks should have happened is projection. We suffer more from our fictitious illusion and expectations of reality.
Today we have access to highly advanced technologies. But our social and economic system has not kept up with our technological capabilities that could easily create a world of abundance, free of servitude and debt.
Our leaders pay lip service to the freedoms that democracy provides while actually supporting an economic structure that imprisons its citizens under more and more debt.
If we arrive at a saner world in which the maximum human potential is cultivated in every person, our descendants will not understand why our world produced only one Louis Pasteur, one Edison, one Tesla, or one Salk, and why great achievements in our age were the products of a relative few.
You can play a role in the shaping of tomorrow's world by asking yourself questions like, 'What kind of world do I want to live in?' and 'What does democracy mean to me?'
I don't believe in the Great Man theory of science or history. There are no great men, just men standing on the shoulders of other men and what they have done.
Although many of us consider ourselves forward-thinkers, we still cling tenaciously to the old values of the monetary system. We accept, without sufficient consideration, a system that breeds inefficiencies and actually encourages the creation of shortages.
We must stop constantly fighting for human rights and equal justice in an unjust system, and start building a society where equal rights are an integral part of the design.
While we cannot predict the future, we will most surely live it. Every action and decision we take - or don't - ripples into the future. For the first time, we have the capability, the technology, and the knowledge to direct those ripples.
Our dominant values that emphasize competition and scarcity limit continued progress.
If we look at things scientifically, there is more than enough food and material goods on Earth to take care of all people's needs - if managed correctly.
Many events in our lives are the result of things beyond our control. While it is comforting to think, 'I'm in charge,' in truth, most changes effected by individuals are very limited in scope.
Whenever money is involved, there is elitism.
Our times demand the declaration of the world's resources as the common heritage of all people.
With the observable fact that scientific knowledge makes our lives better when applied with concern for human welfare and environmental protection, there is no question that science and technology can produce abundance so that no one has to go without.
People will continue to search for answers to universal and perplexing problems. But to find meaningful answers, one must first know what questions to ask.
Despite advances achieved through objective scientific investigation, and the breaking down of long-standing fears and superstitions, the world is still not a reasonable place. Many attempts to make it so have failed because of selfish individual and national interests.
If we really wish to put an end to our ongoing international and social problems we must eventually declare Earth and all of its resources as the common heritage of all the world's people.
Science and education, when devoid of a social conscience or environmental and human concern, are meaningless.
The future is fluid. Each act, each decision, and each development creates new possibilities and eliminates others. The future is ours to direct.
I would like to see an end to war, poverty, and unnecessary human suffering. But I can't see it in a monetary-based system where the richest nations control most of the world's resources.
Even if the most ethical people were elected to high position and we ran out of resources, there would still be lying, cheating, stealing, and corruption. It is not ethical people that are needed but rather a way of intelligently managing the Earth's resources for everyone's well-being.
Man, in the collective sense, is the hero of science. Man, in the collective sense, is the hero of Earth.
Law is when you don't have a method of solving a problem... It's just nailing a proclamation on a wall saying, 'Don't do this.'