When a man gets up to speak, people listen then look. When a woman gets up, people kook; then, if they like what they see, they listen.
Because when I have been busy at the United Nations during crises, it has meant working day and night.
I think the kind of career I've had, something would have had to be sacrificed.
I’ve got a lot of people depending on me. I found I couldn’t lay down on my job. I was a nervous wreck and ready of a sanitarium. Then I decided to go back to the stage. To see of there was any of the real Pauline Frederick left. To find out if I could act after all these years of waste. I went back to the stage two years ago. It has been my salvation.
If I hadn’t gone into the movies, I might never had discovered that a day is made up of morning, afternoon, and evening, instead of afternoon, evening, and night. I never before realized that there was such an hour as nine A.M. I realize it bitterly now that I have to get to the Famous Player’s studio at that hour, but really the acting itself is a lark.
I hate the movies. For the past eight years, I have been making pictures – almost all of them terrible. When I first went into the movies, I felt that I had found a medium which would develop my acting ability. I wanted the experience, I have always loved to work. I made several pictures that were good. If you remember, in my first stories, I had considerable success. After that, I came to realize that it wasn’t my acting ability they wanted; it was just my name.