Virtue, if not in action, is a vice,And, when we move not forward, we go backward.
Out, you impostors!Quack-salving, cheating mountebanks! Your skillIs to make sound men sick, and sick men kill.
Malice scorned, puts out itself; but argued, give a kind of credit to a false accusation.
I had not to this time subsisted, but that I was supported by your frequent courtesies and favours.
Patience, the beggar's virtue, shall find no harbor here.
What a bridgeOf glass I walk upon, over a riverOf certain ruin! Mine own weighty fearsCracking what should support me:-And those helps,Which confidence yields to others, are from meRavish'd by doubts, and wilful jealousy.
True dignity is never gained by place, and never lost when honors are withdrawn.
But in our Sanazarro 'tis not so,He being pure and tried gold; and any stampOf grace, to make him current to the world,The duke is pleased to give him, will add honourTo the great bestower; for he, though allow'dCompanion to his master, still preservesHis majesty in full lustre.
Be wise; soar not too high to fall; but stoop to rise.
He that would govern others, first should be Master of himself.
He is not valiant that dares die, but he that boldly bears calamity.
The good needs fear no law,It is his safety and the bad man's awe.
What a seaOf melting ice I walk on!
The oath in any way or form you please,I stand resolv'd to take it.
To doubt is worse than to have lost; and to despair is but to antedate those miseries that must fall on us.
Grim death.
Many good purposes lie in the churchyard.
Quiet night that bringsRest to the labourer, is the outlaw's day,In which he rises early to do wrong,And when his work is ended, dares not sleep.
Ambition, in a private man is a vice, is in a prince the virtue.
Like a rough orator, that brings more truthThan rhetoric, to make good his accusation.
This many-headed monster,The giddy multitude.
Let us love temperately, things violent last not.
Cause me no causes.
Some undone widow sits upon mine arm,And takes away the use of it; and my sword,Glued to my scabbard with wronged orphans' tears,Will not be drawn.