So I come before you with a budget that is honest in its discussion of our challenges, creative in its possible solutions, compassionate in its commitment to our most vulnerable, and balanced on the bottom line.
We all want peace. Unfortunately, there are times when peace must be defended by fighting terror and tyranny.
A good job is more than just a paycheck. A good job fosters independence and discipline, and contributes to the health of the community. A good job is a means to provide for the health and welfare of your family, to own a home, and save for retirement.
Everyone, young and old, must have access to the knowledge and skills to participate in the evolving economy.
Our deep respect for the land and its harvest is the legacy of generations of farmers who put food on our tables, preserved our landscape, and inspired us with a powerful work ethic.
Our forbears worked hard this difficult land, and their reward was the freedom and independence of self-sufficiency.
By virtue of my traditions, and my community, I worked hard to ensure that I was accepted as part of the traditional family of America.
I am often reminded that the wellspring of Vermont liberty flows from Main Street, not State Street.