Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul.
The time when most of you should withdraw into yourself is when you are forced to be in a crowd.
We must exercise ourselves in the things which bring happiness, since, if that be present, we have everything, and, if that be absent, all our actions are directed toward attaining it.
Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist.
It is impossible for a man who secretly violates the terms of the agreement not to harm or be harmed to feel confident that he will remain undiscovered, even if he has already escaped ten thousand times; for until his death he is never sure that he will not be detected. (35)
Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.
The wealth required by nature is limited and is easy to procure; but the wealth required by vain ideals extends to infinity. (15)
Δικαιοσύνης καρπὸς μέγιστος ἀταραξία.
Self-sufficiency is the greatest of all wealth.
There is no such thing as justice in the abstract; it is merely a compact between men.
Natural justice is a symbol or expression of usefulness, to prevent one person from harming or being harmed by another. (31)
It is impossible for someone to dispel his fears about the most important matters if he doesn't know the nature of the universe but still gives some credence to myths. So without the study of nature there is no enjoyment of pure pleasure. (12)
Both old and young alike ought to seek wisdom: the former in order that, as age comes over him, he may be young in good things because of the grace of what has been, and the latter in order that, while he is young, he may at the same time be old, because he has no fear of the things which are to come.
Of all the things which wisdom provides to make us entirely happy, much the greatest is the possession of friendship.
It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls.
It is folly for a man to pray to the gods for that which he has the power to obtain by himself.
Ὁ δίκαιος ἀταρακτότατος, ὁ δ᾽ ἄδικος πλείστης ταραχῆς γέμων.
Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.
We do not so much need the help of our friends as the confidence of their help in need.
Of our desires some are natural and necessary, others are natural but not necessary; and others are neither natural nor necessary, but are due to groundless opinion. (29)
If God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished: for they are forever praying for evil against one another.
He who is not satisfied with a little, is satisfied with nothing.
Justice... is a kind of compact not to harm or be harmed.
Ἄφοβον ὁ θεός,ἀνύποπτον ὁ θάνατοςκαὶ τἀγαθὸν μὲν εὔκτητον,τὸ δὲ δεινὸν εὐεκκαρτέρητον