Just because you work in the fashion industry, it doesn't mean you live your life in fashion.
You can make jeans and a t-shirt super stylish. It's what you make of it, you know?
I started in college as a business major and finally transferred to home economics and studied making clothes.
Being from a very traditional Chinese-American family, my parents believed the only options to have a successful life were to be a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer or a business person.
When I say that I'm a businessperson and a dressmaker, it's the truth. I run a business, and I make dresses, I make blouses.
I have always had a relationship with clothes.
When people ask about inspirations, and you're like 'oh, it was a flower or a mountain or a pony', some people just think you're insane. I'm worried to come across that way.
My mother has become my daughter and I've become her guardian.
You know, for myself, my personal journey has been a very fortunate one and I would say to people it's like the stars lined up and the skies opened up and the sun shined and I met the right people - was at the right time. And, most importantly, you know I love what I do.
I love crazy, gaudy bling.
I think my parents were immigrants, you know, so I guess I would be first generation. Growing up in California.
My mother was a seamstress, so making clothes was not something you would willingly go into.
I'm such a technophobe.
There is a secret hippie within me.
I don't have a life where it's galas, posh affairs. It's me, my dog and a sofa. And a TV.
I'm not such a public person.
I'm really a classicist at heart - with a bit of madness!
I'm shy.
I try to always have flowers in the house. I have a florist in Chinatown, and they deliver orchids every two weeks. I like living with living things.