When I was at my lowest, Tom Cruise reached out to me. He believed in me when other people didn't.
Some of the happiest times I ever saw my dad was times when I was with him in the casinos, and he had a good night.
The last thing I think I am is perfect. I'm just trying to do the best job I can. I'm trying to be the best father I can to my kids. I'm trying to do the best job I can running my business.
My commitment is that Crown Sydney won't be just another hotel: it will be a landmark building for Sydney with a design and quality that the city deserves.
Melbourne is where the Crown story started. It's a testament to the vision and work of Lloyd Williams and Jeff Kennett - our resort helped transform Melbourne and put the city on the map for international tourists.
As a kid, I saw that Dad lost a lot of money in casinos, and I didn't understand that. I thought this must be a great business. At the same time, I saw when I was with him - and I was with him a lot of the time - that this was a really cool business, and it was fun and glamorous.
My father was an amazing man. No person is perfect, and no father-son relationship is perfect. He wanted me to live my life my way and never think about what he would have done or what he would have wanted to do.
It is my biggest regret that I let my marriage to Erica fail. It is what it is, and she is doing an incredible job with the kids, and we are in a great place.
Almost everything I operated was in Melbourne and Perth, but in the end, I just couldn't bear the thought of leaving. Sydney is my home.
I love Israel. It is an amazing place, and I'm incredibly lucky; it is one of the most interesting places in the world, and I've been lucky to find it.
There is no doubt One.Tel was a terrible investment and something that I regret greatly.