Often it is the case that it takes ‘just a little’ to help and support people, so they can help themselves. I have met adults and children, men and women, whose living conditions are difficult for us to imagine, but every time I come away inspired by their strength and will to improve their lives and provide a better life for their children.
A secure life and a well developed social system; not many people fall through the net. And shared values, I would say; that sense of equality...
You can cycle through town and nobody shouts, 'look, it's the Princess' – they are used to seeing us. Some people come up and say hello and that's fine. It's no big deal.
'Why don’t you leave?' the woman in the poem asked herself. We need to stop asking that question and begin to understand why she is staying. From understanding comes the ability to reach, to touch and to change. And if we help even just one woman to take that courageous first step out of violence, we have achieved a lot.
Everyone has the right to belong