You give a press conference, and they'll pick one word, they'll pick two words. The media is still out to write what they want to write.
The last thing I ever want to do is not be here with my team.
I would like to have two or three kids.
I can understand how people who don't really follow baseball can look at 'dead arm' and think the absolute worst. Basically, a dead arm is when your arm kind of feels a little heavy, kind of feels weak, and basically, it's just muscular fatigue.
As a public figure, you deserve to be treated fairly.
When people are getting on me for being at a Ranger game at 7 o'clock at night, they don't see what I've done between yoga, Pilates, workout, thrown, ran, done all my work by 5 o'clock, ate, and then I went to the game. Nobody is seeing that. Nobody is commenting on that.
For me, it's a feel thing; it's a mechanical thing.
From the things I've read, I think I've been portrayed in kind of a way that makes me look like I don't put an effort into winning. I think that's completely the wrong portrayal of the person I am.
I will never apologize for having a life.
My whole thing is that guys are working out and getting legs stronger and getting the upper body stronger, and the ligaments just aren't quite able to keep up.
Baseball is my job, and I love it, but it can't be the only thing I've got going on.
The only thing I can do is move forward and try to put myself in the best position to help this team win, and whatever decisions they make, I will just have to deal with it.