There is no moderator or ombudsman online, and while the transparency of the web usually means that information is self-correcting, we still have to keep in mind the responsibility each of us carries when the power of the press is at our fingertips and in our pockets.
You really have to love every single bit of what you do. The moment that you do something that makes you feel queasy to your stomach, the company dies.
Captcha is the bane of the Internet. I can't figure them out myself half the time!
Don't think about work in your bedroom or relaxation area.
The promise of the early web was that everyone could have a website but there was something missing. Maybe the technology wasn't ready.
Before the widespread rise of the Internet and easy publishing tools, influence was largely in the hands of those who could reach the widest audience, the people with printing presses or access to a wide audience on television or radio, all one-way mediums that concentrated power in the hands of the few.
People might start with LiveJournal or Blogger, but if they get serious, they'll graduate to WordPress. We try to cater to the more powerful users.
I am an optimist, and I believe that people are inherently good and that if you give everyone a voice and freedom of expression, the truth and the good will outweigh the bad.
Twitter is the ultimate service for the mobile age - its simplification and constraint of the publishing medium to 140 characters is perfectly complementary to a mobile experience. People still need longer stuff, but they see the headline on Twitter or Facebook.
I don't have big ideas. I sometimes have small ideas, which seem to work out.
If you want to be good at something, you really have to work at it every single day. You have to work hard at the things that are hard. Otherwise you are just treading water.
If you think of the ideas of open source applied to information in an encyclopedia, you get to Wikipedia - lots and lots of small contributions that bubble up to something that's meaningful.
No matter what I do, I always come home to my blog.
There are 100 million blogs in the world, and it's part of my job as the co-founder of WordPress to help many more people start blogging.
Why are so many companies stuck in this factory model of working?
For me, it always comes back to the blogger, the author, the designer, the developer. You build software for that core individual person, and then smart organisations adopt it and dumb organisations die.
Red notification bubbles on any icon, including mail, drive me crazy.
For me, open source is a moral thing.
Jeffrey Zeldman had an astonishing ability to craft a seductive coolness using educated references, dry humor, and retro/organic imagery.
The biggest mistake we made at WordPress.com in term of infrastructure was buying servers.
I'm really good at making software for publishing.
Twitter is the ultimate service for the mobile age - its simplification and constraint of the publishing medium to 140 characters is perfectly complementary to a mobile experience.
WordPress, it's a complex tool; it's like the back of a digital SLR... but that doesn't work on a phone.
I like to read first thing in the morning. I'm addicted to the Kindle. I read a lot of business books, because I feel like I should figure out how to be a real businessman before someone figures out that I'm not one. I really enjoy reading classics as well, which I try to work in once every two months.