I am a terrible sleeper.
I am terribly clumsy, so there is a plethora of walking into lamp-posts, falling over, dropping things, and ruining sofas.
The fact that you've got zombies in this movie allows you to make slightly bolder choices tonally.
Amy Pond, there's something you'd better understand about me 'cause it's important, and one day your life may depend on it: I am definitely a mad man with a box!
So many more people recognise you and want to take up a moment of your time for a photo or a hello. You try to deal with it with grace and a degree of humour, because what's the alternative?
At university I had a big coloured scarf and people would often say, 'All right, Doctor Who?' And, I thought, I rather liked that notion.
Spiders - the way they move freaks me out. It's so malevolent.
Apparently, as a kid, I used to eat spiders. Maybe there's some Freudian significance behind that.
There is a history of footballers in my family; my granddad played for Notts County and my dad played at county level.
I am a fan of a bright sock. They're bold.
Kids should feel afraid of 'Doctor Who.' All the adults I've talked to remember fondly being afraid when they were kids. That's part of the reason they remember it and love it. And if you're afraid in a controlled way, you sort of appreciate fear in some respect.
It seems like there's a real appetite for science fiction in the States.
I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams.
The storytelling in 'Doctor Who' is quite universal.
I asked for a piano in the TARDIS, but it hasn't happened. I'd love to see the Doctor rock up and play, but it'd have to be done in an inventive and silly way.
Every two weeks on 'Doctor Who,' the set is completely different, the world is different and there are new actors coming in. So, it's constantly surprising, and it's a pressure that you relish, actually.
Time travel is such a magic concept.
I've always loved dinosaurs.
I would be sitting in my flat watching TV, and 'Doctor Who' would be on with my flatmate there. I would have loved to share the fact that I was the new Doctor, but I couldn't. I was going mad. My dad was rather flabbergasted. When I told him, he laughed. He was excited, elated and very proud.
I'm not hugely technical with things, but I guess that the thing I use most is my iPhone, on a practical level.
Any actor worth his salt has a responsibility to reinvent himself from part to part.
I don't think anything could prepare you for whatever fame is. Fame is a very hard word to define cause it means different things to different people for different reasons so I never really think of it as fame, I think of it as part of the job.
I was always aware of 'Doctor Who,' but I didn't grow up with it.
I quite like the idea of family. That's probably the greatest achievement in the world. I've got a lot to achieve workwise - I'd love to direct - but family would be good.