You get one chance to make an impression, and coasting through is a disservice.
I like working by myself.
I like what I like, I don't like what I don't like, and I'm very bad at toning myself down.
You just wake up and make music.
I'm very ambitious, musically - I want to create great things, not mediocre work.
I don't know if I'm attention deficit, but I certainly am easily distracted by other things.
I've traveled quite a lot and become a coffee nut.
You can batter your guitar, and it won't distort too much, which is important for me because I play with my hands a lot - I don't really play with picks.
I think it's safe to say that if you talk to anybody in Ireland, they'll have a passing knowledge of the guitar. It was something that I couldn't get away from when I was younger: guitars played in shops and parties, just everywhere.
It's like half the campaign of selling a record is trying to convince people that you're an artist. Well, I am an artist. This is what I do.
I'm mostly a keep-to-myself kind of guy, but you slowly find yourself getting folded into the musical tapestry.
When I first saw Drake, I thought I was never going to like him based on the person that I saw on T.V. He's just so full on, and he's got the ladies' man thing, which isn't necessarily something that would resonate with me.
I've got an Avalon guitar - that's the company that used to be Lowden. They come out of Ireland, and they're like these folk kind of guitars. You can pick 'em, you can strum 'em - they're quite good.
I didn't start playing music really until I was 18/19, so it was a relatively new thing. I didn't play much music in school.
I was never a 'sit down with a notepad and write lyrics' kind of person.
More often than not, changes had to be made in order for a song to make sense, and by the end of it, it would just be something different. Lyrically, I am usually fairly confused until something is finished, and then it makes perfect sense to me.
I heard of this Texas studio. The owner, Tony Rancich, wanted to fly us out for the day to see the studio. I booked it the next day. He's that rare guy that is in it purely for the love of it.
I remember always looking forward to listening to country music in the car with my mother, and it wasn't even something I enjoyed in the sense of music, but just being around music itself was enough.
With music, it feels natural that, in my head, I can pull things apart and then put them back together very quickly.
The only thing that's ever made sense to me has been sitting in the house by myself making music.
I moved to London with this really warped sense of expectation.
The idea of trying to predict what people will or won't respond to is risky.
My mum was a big fan of E.L.O. and Elvis Costello. She used to play that, consistently, all the time when we were kids. And my dad, he would claim to be a singer... You know, he loves singing, and he used to sing a lot when he was a kid and at parties and stuff like that. So I come from a very party-musical family.
It bothers me when musicians listen to music from the '60s and try and recreate it. Those people weren't trying to recreate music from the '20s. Why do it?