I think he had a wake-up call. It's a different kind of race, and I think maybe he didn't take it quite as seriously as he might have, but you can bet he learned a lot of lessons.
I was actually going to law school in 1972.
The marathon is all about energy management. I had planned to run it like a track race with strategic surges to blow up my competitors by putting them into oxygen debt, so that is the way I prepared.
Intervals and other types of speed work are essential to improve running speed.
For the novice runner, I'd say to give yourself at least 2 months of consistently running several times a week at a conversational pace before deciding whether you want to stick with it. Consistency is the most important aspect of training at this point.
In other words we have marketed our way into this health crisis.
What you did was live on very little. I think all of us that were competing - Bill is the same way - you don't need much to live.
You don't run 26 miles at five minutes a mile on good looks and a secret recipe.
It is just called Continuing Legal Education. You can go to lectures, you can even listen to tapes on airplanes - they want you to stay current. So you do have to stay current to maintain your license even if you are not practicing.
When I am totally race fit, I don't worry about breathing or technique - they take care of themselves.
I think the secret of my light, quick, foot strike is related to the fact that I have fragile feet.
Again, racing for me was about energy management.