I've met a lot of big stars who have humility. Sly Stallone is a very humble guy. Robert DeNiro is a really humble guy. Some of the women aren't so humble for some reason. I don't know why.
Steve Van Zandt is a very intelligent, smart guy. He's a historian, he knows a lot about rock n' roll, a lot about music.
Actors are real egomaniacs. They get into a movie, they think the whole movie's about them.
Trust is very important. In 'Goodfellas' in the 'Go home and get your shine box!' scene, we must have filmed 15 takes. If you played each take back, the timing would be exactly the same each time.
If it's Saturday night, and you're sitting on your couch watching 'Showtime at the Apollo,' then you're not a man's man.
I'm a cigar person, I don't smoke one every day, but I used to smoke them, and I had my own cigar at one time. So, I'm fairly knowledgeable about that.
Fellas, one of the most effective ways to meet a woman is on the street.
I never in my wildest dreams thought that I'd have merchandise selling on a web site. It's just amazing to me.
Atkins - I was on that for two weeks. All I lost was 14 days.
Fellas, it's all a numbers game. The more women you meet, the greater chance you have of finding the right one.
I did a lot of 'NYPD Blues' and 'Law & Orders' and a couple of other ones that were shot in New York earlier in my career.
When lines are great, they're easy to do. You just find the essence of it, and you do it.
I think that all the time I lived alone changed me.
Nothing is real until you walk out on stage.
It's very important what you say to kids. You have to walk a very fine line between talking about your life and talking about what you've done.
You have got to have a good sense of humor, you have got to be tough, and you have got to know how to dress.
I'm not saying 'The Godfather' trilogy was bad - because it was brilliant - but that was fiction. It was based on reality.
You establish a technique on how to develop characters. Everyone does it their own way, and that's what makes it fun.
We define a metrosexual as someone who really takes care of themselves in terms of grooming and style. There is nothing wrong with that. But I think you need to have some other values. It's cool to incorporate some traditional values into metrosexuality. Then it becomes a good lifestyle.
You are you, and nobody else can do what you do. But a little talent can help.
I remember playing in Union City, and we had crap games after we finished playing at night. We would go next door to the cab stand where they were playing gin rummy and betting $1,000 a hand.
I don't know what drives me. I need to work. I wanted to be in the entertainment field, but I didn't know what.
There's a moment of truth that comes when you are performing, and you are all alone.
I think all the roles were something that sort of hit me, and I guess I was very lucky to get those roles.