One can only presume, despite unequivocal polling to the contrary, that Republicans believe relentlessly attacking womens' abilities to make their own health care decisions is popular and will help them win elections. I believe it is at their peril that they pursue this anti-women agenda.
Jan Schakowsky -
There are big winners in Paul Ryan's 'Roadmap,' and you can guess who they are. He would cut taxes for the wealthy, completely eliminate the corporate income tax, and create a value added tax.
Jan Schakowsky
From its onset, the labor movement has been at the forefront of the fight to improve working conditions and workplace safety. At the local level, knowing their union has their back gives workers the confidence and support they need to stand up and report harassment, poor working conditions, or workplace safety violations.
Jan Schakowsky -
Handcuffing the ability of states and localities to develop clean fuels in the cheapest possible way, using local resources, is not sound or sensible policy.
Jan Schakowsky -
Like other important immigrant communities, the Jewish experience in the United States represents the ideal of freedom and the promise and opportunity of America.
Jan Schakowsky -
I was proud to witness American Jewish organizations found the Save Darfur Coalition in June 2004 to mobilize a coordinated interfaith response to the ongoing humanitarian disaster.
Jan Schakowsky -
Making sure women get equal pay for equal work remains one of my top priorities.
Jan Schakowsky -
The District of Columbia has every right to pass their own laws, and House Republicans should stay out of it.
Jan Schakowsky
While trade agreements are negotiated in secrecy, behind-closed doors, we have learned enough from leaks to know that the result of passing TPA to 'fast track' these trade agreements would affect everything from food safety to environmental protection to consumer financial protections.
Jan Schakowsky -
Investing in women at home and abroad strengthens families, uplifts our children, improves health, makes communities and countries more peaceful, and brightens our collective future. Where women have equality, security, and the opportunity to live, work, and prosper, their families and societies are better off.
Jan Schakowsky -
We were far from rich, but I never remember my parents worrying about money.
Jan Schakowsky -
A woman should not have to fear retribution from her employer, and the District of Columbia should be able to pass laws to protect against that retribution.
Jan Schakowsky -
The United States and our allies across the world are working every day to fight terrorism. We must continue those efforts, and we must promote peace and freedom.
Jan Schakowsky -
President Trump proclaimed 'America First' from the inauguration stage. As an American Jew and daughter of immigrants, that slogan makes me shiver.
Jan Schakowsky
We should put hardworking families first by voting on legislation to create jobs, raise wages, provide equal pay for women, invest in education, protect voting rights, and pass comprehensive immigration reform.
Jan Schakowsky -
Workers should not be prevented from bargaining with the companies that help set their wages, benefits, schedules, and workplace conditions.
Jan Schakowsky -
Republicans who oppose Obamacare have a responsibility to show that they can do better - not return us to the days when insurance companies alone decided who to cover for what benefits at what price. Otherwise, they should move beyond the repeal fights of the past, accept Obamacare as the law of the land, and work with us to make real improvements.
Jan Schakowsky -
You might not want to go without essential health benefits or lose consumer protections if an insurance company many states away denies your claim or goes belly-up.
Jan Schakowsky -
Working families spend about 90 percent of their income on consumption - buying stuff. The rich spend less than 45 percent.
Jan Schakowsky -
There is no better way to improve wages and working conditions in our country than to support the right to unionize. Throughout our history, unions have improved the lives of millions of American families, grown the middle class, and pushed our economy forward.
Jan Schakowsky
My family reached the United States before the Holocaust. Both of my parents emigrated from Russia as young children. My grandparents were fleeing religious persecution and came to America seeking a better life for their family.
Jan Schakowsky -
With affordable health care, women can have economic security and the peace of mind that they will not become a financial burden on their families.
Jan Schakowsky -
Reproductive health decisions should be made by a woman and her doctor. Any efforts to undermine women's reproductive rights must stop.
Jan Schakowsky -
Because the Bush Administration will set no timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, both chambers of Congress acted to make sure our troops will not be left in Iraq indefinitely.
Jan Schakowsky