In Framework 2, extra-natural help, energy, impetus, and knowledge are 'naturally' available. . . . But only when your own beliefs are clear enough so that the help is not blocked.
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Ruburt’s life as he knows it is not in my memory - because I did different things when I was Ruburt. And he is not bound by that reality that was mine.
Jane Roberts
When a man is ill it is not
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The eating of meat without doubt focuses the physical mechanism closely to the physical system. There is nothing wrong with this. If you are trying to develop inner abilities however, and if you wish to allow yourself a mobility of focus, then moderation in this respect must be used.
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Let us, using our double vision, travel two worlds in one and forma single double songthat splashes out in ripplesof thought and bloodthat eddy, wrinkle and wakethrough the double skiesof our single universe, and breakinto rainbow vowels that singsoft lullabies,and fall as lightin both our worlds.
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'I thought you understood,' he said. 'The world is your teacher. It will be all around you. The ocean and the wind and the stars and the moon will all teach you many things.'
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Occasionally when a decision has been made by the ego, the subconscious will change it, because the decision is obviously such an unwise one.
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The fact remains that there are probable past events that can 'still happen' within your personal previous experience. A new event can literally be born in the past - 'now.'
Jane Roberts
The expression of joy also makes the ego more resilient, less fearful, less resentful of diverse conditions when they occur. The emotion itself is an automatic signal that unites the conscious and subconscious is shared experience.
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To create a harmonious inner existence is a positive act with far-reaching effects, and not an act of isolation. To desire peace strongly is to help achieve it.
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The waking consciousness, dear friends, is not the ego. The ego is only that portion of the waking consciousness that deals with physical manipulation.
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Physically, however, the body is quite able to completely regenerate itself as it approaches old age. Indeed, a quite legitimate second puberty is possible, in which the male’s seed is youthfully strong and vital, and the woman’s womb is pliable and able to bear . . . Now,
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Now, he was filled with a distaste for a civilization in which the individual was so prone and in which he must be so diligent just to preserve his sanity.
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There were, indeed, several 'Christs,' several people whose preaching and exploits merged to form the composite figure historically known as Christ. There are all kinds of contradictions in the Bible, and in Christ's own attitudes as depicted, because there were more Christs than one.
Jane Roberts
Suggestion can shape dreams, and the dreams themselves then operate as action. A strong dream can be a more significant psychic action than any physical experience, and it can change the course of the personality completely.
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Those portions of the brain, seemingly unused, deal with these other dimensions, and physically, you begin to use these portions, though minutely, for the first time, under psychedelic situations.
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Beyond that, however, genetic messages are coded in such a way that there is a constant give-and-take between those messages and the present experience of any given individual. That is, no genetic event is inevitable.
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There was a god or goddess of wind, rain, lightning, thunder, clouds, stars, sun, and of course, the moon goddess, and they all more or less worked under SkyMaker.
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However, you will reincarnate whether or not you believe that you will. It is much easier if your theories fit reality, but if they do not, then you do not change reality one iota.
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Each of us seems to have a main focus, a particular idea of practicality - a concept of 'what we want out of life' against which we judge our experiences.
Jane Roberts
Schizophrenia is caused by a personality fragment that is broken off, so to speak, from the primary acting personality; operating often in direct opposition to it, but in any case, operating as a secondary personality.
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Physical objects cannot exist unless they exist in a definite perspective and space continuum. But each individual creates his own space continuum . . . I want to tie this in with the differences you seem to see in one particular object. Each individual actually creates an entirely different object, which his physical senses then perceive.
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Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you to stop suffering.
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Your own inner capabilities and potentials are more varied and powerful than you realize. The purpose of this book is to enable you to recognize and use them in daily life. You use them now, but in a subdued and inefficient manner. They work in spite of you.
Jane Roberts