Reincarnation and projection, you see, are one and the same thing . . . When you are attached to the physical organism your projections are not as complete - the difference between a reincarnational instance and a simple projection from the physical state.
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On the other hand as I have told you, your past continually changes. It does not appear to change for you, for you change with it.
Jane Roberts
You take it for granted that interpretations of events change, but that certain definite events occurred that are beyond alteration. Instead, the events themselves are not nearly that concrete. You accept one probable event. Someone else may experience instead a version of that event, which then becomes that individual’s felt reality.
Jane Roberts -
Basically there is no difference between precognition and telepathy. The apparent difference is the result of an inadequate understanding of the nature of time.
Jane Roberts -
It wasn't that I mistrusted the Seth personality, but I felt it was a personification of something else - and that 'something else' wasn't a person in our terms. It was, I felt, a consciousness different from mine, but to call Seth a spirit guide, meaning a nonphysical person in usual terms, just didn't fit to me.
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Any one moment in physical time then is a warp, opening into these other dimensions of actuality, and any one moment can be used as a passageway or bridge. The act of crossing will be reflected in a million other worlds, but these reflections will create still another vortex of actualization.
Jane Roberts -
In larger terms, it is as
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Human consciousness was inherent and latent from the beginning of your physical universe.
Jane Roberts
Free will as I mentioned earlier certainly does operate, but you must remember that while it does operate, personalities on your plane are extremely limited as to choice. They can only choose to operate within their own camouflage pattern framework.
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There have indeed been civilizations upon your planet that understood as well as you, and without your
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You cannot love someone you do not know - not unless you water down the definition of love so much that it becomes meaningless.
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Many men, labelled homosexual by themselves and others, want to be fathers. Their beliefs and those of your society leads them to imagine that they must always be heterosexual
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The Crucifixion story represented, in
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Despite the beliefs and teachings of religion and psychology, impulses are biological and psychic directional signals to nudge the individual toward his or her greatest opportunities for expression and development privately, and also to insure the person's contribution to mass social reality.
Jane Roberts
You will discover definite correlations that exist between the incidence of precognitive dreams and data having to do with the temperature and weather.
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Many body events that you think of in your society as negative - certain viruses, for example - are instead meant as self-corrective devices, even as fever actually promotes health rather than impedes it.
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When you dream of others they know it. When they dream of you, you know this.
Jane Roberts -
Do not place the
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The totem pole, for example, is a remnant from an era where there was much greater communication between man and the animals - when, in fact, men went to the animals to learn, and from them first acquired knowledge of herbs and corrective medicinal behavior.
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With drugs, there are some dangers. There are dimensions in which you are completely incapable, and if through some molecular disturbance you fell into one of these it is possible that you could not find your way back.
Jane Roberts
The personality when it leaves your plane for good will have developed its potentials as far as it possibly can.
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Most of your God concepts deal with a static God, and here is one of your main theological difficulties. The awareness and inner experience of this gestalt constantly changes and grows. There is no static God. When you say, 'This is God,' then God is already something else.
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There are no ends that must be accomplished by any given personality, no ends that must be gained by a personality for the entity.
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Many people feel duty-bound to express skepticism as if it were an automatic badge of honor and intellectual superiority. I'd done the same thing in the past, so I could understand the attitude.
Jane Roberts