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You hear all these people saying, 'Oh, Pep, what a good manager he is.' Forget about it. Cruyff was the best, by far.
People say you must be pragmatic, more clinical. More pragmatic than me? I'm sorry.
What happens in the Premier League is that when they arrive in the area, they punish you.
You can win ten times, and then you are not able to win five times. I have to discover the reason why, and I am going to find that.
I want to feel I can help the club to believe they are good, and I want to feel the fans knowing the team is good. Sometimes you don't believe that because in the past, you have not won as many titles like the other ones.
I won 21 titles in seven years: three titles per year playing in this way. I'm sorry, guys. I'm not going to change.
This was how Johan Cruyff worked. He was demanding a lot, but when you got there, and you were in his team, he was an incredible protector. He would push and push you, and then he would protect you. He was a master at handling players. He knew when you needed to be pushed or protected.
Let us fight until the end. Let me try at least that - fight.
People usually think that it is the coach who has to raise the spirits of his players; that it is the coach who has to convince his footballers; that it is his job to take the lead all the time. But that's not always the case.
We all feel that hunger in football. With Cruyff, it was different. He deepened and changed the hunger so you became conscious of why you are getting better.
I want to win. I want to play serious. I want to be effective.
I am not a coach for the tackles, so I do not train them.
If I believed in it, and it wasn't productive for the team, I wouldn't do it.
From my point of view, I always want to fight until the end of my last chance.
I don't understand the lack of respect for amazing players when people say they are not good enough for me.
I don't like it when a player says, 'I like freedom; I want to play for myself.' Because the player has to understand he is part of a team with 10 other players. If everyone wants to be a jazz musician, it will be chaos. They will not be a team, and nothing will be possible.
People want to be entertained. They don't want to be cheated.
Why am I here? Yes, to win titles, because then I will feel happy for the people. But the process is the reason why.
In football, the worst things are excuses. Excuses mean you cannot grow or move forward.
I try to be positive. I speak to my players about how we have to play, respect the rules. What I have done is always be positive.
It's natural for players to be relaxed, so you have to be there to say, 'You have to do it again and again and again.'
I am so happy when I feel emotion about the way my team plays.
It is one of the best clubs in the world by far. I'm loving Manchester City.
People talk about tactics, but when you look at it, tactics are just players. You change things so that the team can get the most out of the skills they have to offer, but you don't go any further than that.